If I had three wishes

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*Authors Notes*

G'day, this is my first story - if you hate it please say (^-^)

just made an account - just began this story

its weird the first idea that came to mind was smut. But if you know me, you know its the only thing i think about. I hope its not too cliche because it is. a lot. im not that brilliant lol

anyway hope u enjoy a newbies first work


If I had three wishes

I'd probably go with flying, immortality, and invisiblity.

invisiblity? why, you might ask?

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have an ulterior motive.For if I was invisible I could totally jump that sexy beast Will who I'd never have a chance with in a million years. (hence immortality)

I'f I was invisible, God, it would fan-fuckingtastic.

Lets seee... I'd wait until after class. As the bell rang I'd activate my super awesome power of invisibility and wait for him to finish. That damm whore, being so sexy, 187cm no less, great hair and eyes that could make any girl melt. Luke Hayes dundundaaaaaaahh *ominous music*

God he was so goodlooking, always ever so popular, the girls would be all over him, but not today, I'd have thought.

Now if i were invisible, id do something totally implausable - like this.

When he least suspects it, I'd pull him round the side of the building. He'd be pretty freaked out, some invisible force yanking his arm then pressing him against the wall. Licking, kissing, caressing, he would tremble under my touch, as he shuddered helpless at the hands of some wannabe loser. Eyes flickering with desire, hed throw his head back and moan as my left hand slid up his chest and the right into his pants. Becoming evermore so panicked as to what was going on he'd begin to struggle and shout for help. But i wasnt having any of that. did invisibility. silencing his voice with the power of my kiss,pushing him to the ground and straddaling his figure id send the frightened boy back into obedience. "Shush Luke dont be scared", breathing teases against his lips and stealing a few more kisses before going on. Hot and deep, though weeping, i believe it would cause no flaw in the quality of his expression. The thought of kissing Luke was hot, but the curiosity to see what was straining against his zipper was more. The hottest guy in the class, weve all seen him with his shirt off but few have seen what lied beneath those cotton briefs.

I'd begin to unbuckle his belt, laying on his chest to keep him from rising, his weak protests would not win to my raging curiosity, to my irrevocable desire.

slowly unravelling the zip, exposing the hidden gate, id stare at the cage, bending to the will of the beast inside. The anticipation was incredible, i took an iron grip around the waist of his brief and stole a deep breath, id opened the lock now it was time for the door.


"Oh Luke it's soooo big!"

"What was that Ms. Tyler? would you like to share that again with the rest of class"

Shit i totally zoned out. where was I? Mrs. Watson's english, period two. Shit


The class was silent, i searched the faces of the students around me, some were confused, some were giggling, before finally falling upon the countenance of a one Luke Hayes and his Lackeys. His face was stunned. . .

Shit Shit Shit SHIT. Crap fuck what did i say?... oh yes i remember

"Oh Luke its so...!?" 


The guy sitting next to me had a sly smirk spread accross his face. His eyes relaying to me the perverted accusation which was to come. "Having a wet dream in class again Tyler? I know Luke is hot but keep it in you pants will ya?"

The class went up in hysterics. I blushed ferociously. Chris Mcneil, that guys a poo. Mrs. Watson, a very old woman, hated and disrespected by much of the student body, fought to subdue the ruckus and disorder my little fantasy had caused. My sight returned to Luke, though when his eyes met mine his face instantly relieved me with a huge confident smile. I sat flabbergastered, the blood returning to my cheeks as his over confidence tore down mine. I slumped into my chair as the class mocked and jeered. Luke that utter prick, and total ignoramous! but this was really all my fault, if i wasnt such a slave to my baser urges I wouldn't be in this choatic mess. However, As I cradled my head in my arms upon my desk, being jeered and mocked from all angles, i was in no way repenting - oh no. I economically took the oppurtunity to finish visualising a tasty conclusion to my lustful conjecture.


It took a good 15 minutes for Luanne (Mrs. Watson's first name) to whip all those ignorant bastards back into shape before continuing dissertating the importance of semicolons. We all hate her, so we call her Luanne to piss her off. Ingenious...

Unfortunately, while I was being wolf whistled at, and called penis lover – I was slowly and repeatedly banging my head against the desk, whispering curses for my classmates who would soon die in freak plane accidents, slippery shower floors and accidental amputations. I sat in silence punishing myself for getting much to caught up in a sex fantasy, how Mrs. Watson inspired it was beyond me. I shivered.

The plan was, get good grades to impress mum, make a small bunch of friends – not to popular, nor repulsive – and don't get mixed up in anything that will get you noticed, stared at, hated, or laughed at. Well now that I was knighted Supreme Dick King, I think I filled out the last four quite nicely.

Remaining silent, and continuing to curse terror filled ends for those who opposed me, the rest of the lesson flew by. The bell rang, my savior, rescuing me from sitting here a slave to embarrassment, I could do that elsewhere in the comfort of my friends (^-^).

The class stood up immediately, ignoring Luanne as she continued to teach oblivious of the students making they’re way out the door. Yeehawh I was free at last!!!

free from embarrassment, dick kings and the condescension Sir Hayes. Sadly enough this elation and bliss was short lived as I managed to catch a glimpse of Luke before passing the door. 

“Your gonna get it,” was sprawled across his face. Awww shit. "it?" what the fuck was "it?" all i know is the "it" was bad, bad bad "it." Daaaammn he was gonna get me, I had to hide, but where? Next was last period, then I’d just have to escape the school without being noticed then I was Scott free!? right? I can do this? totally!? Here we go.


if you have any suggestions on what the characters should do or be please enlighten me >.<

thanks for readin


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