Mission Impossible

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Authors Note

this is dedicated to miss bethany kennedy for all her help in this god darn chapter. If you dont get where this stories at check out chapter one as it is now complete and updated. Anyone cool enough to read this comment so i can fan u. thanks for tha support :D


I look down the hall, sweat lining my brow, I was perspiring like a cow. Clear! I commando roll to the next isle of lockers for inspection… Clear! Another commando roll.

Ba dum badaaaaa dah!, ba dump ba daaaaa da! bada bada bada bada bada aba DAH!

I hum the mission impossible theme as I sneak my special agent behind past corridor 6.

I’d successfully evaded him for the entire afternoon! and I wasn't about to be caught now. Whipping my head at anything that sounded remotely like my name my ninja like reflexes caused me to fall off my chair twice and slap a girl in the face. Mah skill.

In the cafeteria at lunch I was walking to my table when Alex entered the room, like a hawk, I swooped under the nearest table, nesting behind 3 pairs of legs to take shelter from his notice.

*Coo Coo* I squawked. This was getting ridiculous

Then the pairs of legs started talking, “What the? Hey dude there’s a chick under our table,” “What’s a chick doing under there?” “Hah! shes sniffing your crotch,” “Crazy pervert,” “ahah it's the dick king!” and one kicked me in the face. Lovely

Now, It may seem like I was being over cautious but I really didn’t want to face Alex and what he had in store for me. I was content with my hermit lifestyle, and It could have stayed that way!... if I wasn't perverted and weak to pleasure…

YES! The exit was in sight; I was sleeping at a friend’s tonight to further allow myself leeway from his capture. 4 more steps.




I did it! nothing could go wrong now!

SHIT did I jinx it? Nah..

Last step..

“Where do you think your going?”

I gave out a sharp yelp as I felt hot breath run down the back of my neck. I was so close.

I shifted awkwardly to meet the stare of Sir Alex James who had now successfully pinned me to the lockers. Getting a good look at him, there’s no wonder the girls go gaga! Look at that jaw, that flawless skin, loose fitting shirt weakly concealing those tight abs and pants firmly cupping his, “Oh alex its so..” STOP IT. Sarah stop it.

My analsys of his crotch was diverted when I felt a muscled arm slither around my waist

 oh golly.

It pulled me closer, bringing our waists together *gulp*.

He stared into my eyes. Was their desire in his gaze? It was painfully charming. How many women had succumbed to this flirtatious dance? *I shuddered with pleasure*what the hell was that? ... it's nothing



All NO! all no all no all no all no. I was falling for it. Sooner or later he’d make me want to rip his pants off with my teeth and lick him all over like a chuppa chup. There was no way I was going to give him that satisfaction. What had I done to deserve his attention? It was just a harmless sex fantasy!!

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