Sexy Jutsu

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I silently screamed in my head as I continued punching my fists against the back of the chair in front of me. Its occupant must be receiving a pleasant massage at the moment. I however was nowhere near any state of euphoria.

I was so angry.

REVENGE REVENGE REVENGE!! I needed desperate avengement for the misdeed Alex did me. I cannot believe I had legitimate feelings for that booby lovin monkey! And he had squashed them, shat on them and shredded them into little itty bitty witty pieces.

I sat there, seething with anger and embarrassment. No one has the right to make fun of someone’s feelings, just because he was ridiculously gorgeous doesn't give him the right to go around doing whatever the hell he wants. All handsome guys think their top shit. That if they as so much as step into the room all the girls will start to wet their panties. This cocky attitude had endorsed his cruel rejection of my feelings and his callous canoodling. This horny fucker needed to be taught a lesson.


Woops I said it out loud this time.

“Hey Sarah are you okay?”

I turned my head to face mah man Noah. He looked really confused

alright excuses here we go!

ive decided I want to be a singer in a screamo band and was just warming up my vocal chords.


Uuumm… ive been thinking of taking the role of simba in the lion king musical.


I was screaming out, because of my psychotic rage at a perverted pussy chasing prince.


“Umm yes I’m totally fine”


“it was nothing”

“Okay?” unsatisfied with my answer he slumped back into his seat and bobbed up and down as the bus went over a safety hump. We were now very slowly travelling to Noah’s house where we were to have an anime marathon sleepover hang *said all gangsta like*. This originally fiendish scheme was set so that if by any chance he had the nerve to come to my house I could successfully evade his detection. Unfortunately he had caught me before my plans were to be of use. Attacking me in the corridor after school.

Oh well a night filled with Pokemon, Naruto and Sailor moon will surely take my mind off “he who must not be named.” Plus Noah is a big sweetie pie and his adorable nature and innocence is sure to aid the poison in my heart.

At that point I noticed the girls two rows back giggling, I turned to see what the hub-ub was about. Maybe they had spotted a hottie, oooh my lucky day. However, to my disappointment, their attention was not being paid to an anonymous hot behind but in fact was indiscreetly focused in eye humping my friend. They blushed and giggled as he turned their way noticing that I as well was patently observing them. And with that the girls whipped themselves into inconspicuous innocent poses “unintentionally” pouting their lips. Pack of whores.

Bypassing their “charm”, Noah turned back to me. “watcha looking at?”

Aaaaahh you silly silly girls, too bad for you!, mah man noah here wouldn't touch ya in a million years.

lemme break it down for ya.

He. Loves. Dick.

Lol no, but I have proved to myself that his interests lie not in the female gender. Not once has he ever been out with a girl nor does he flirt and when I fish around his rooms for porn it comes up bare. He only has a bunch of good male friends + me.

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