Noah-1 | Tommy-0

511 6 11

Authors note

yoooooohooooo heyy guys long time no see sorry i havent updated. From now on i hope to update twice a week... Lets see how we go with that. ANYWAY thnk u for reading this far amd if you jave any suggestions for the story TELL MEEEEE i got nothing. ENJOY


Tommy's lips were wet and floppy, his breath smelt of cheese; and mucus from his nose had been mixing with the saliva rolling down his chin. Not my idea of the perfect first kiss. This however, I could have settled for this.

Curling his hands into my hair he forced my jaw to his. Cornered a top his single bed, Noah straddled my exit, hunching over as he kissed my lips.

I know it was wrong to enjoy this, but in comparison to the dismal intimacy i recieved through my adolescence, the expert stroke of this homosexual's tongue had me melting in his hands.

Unlike Tommy, the kiss wasnt just a slobbery high five on my face. I rocked into him savouring the pleasure high he was giving me. He threw his arms around my neck and explored deeper into my mouth. As he plunged into my mouth i found myself kissing back as i bit on his lip making him hiss, tears cornering his eyes as he lustfully stared at me under his eyelids.

He definitely beats Tommy and his penut butter breath. No- smelled like soap and mint i couldnt help but press my nose against his collar and inhale his scent. mmm so good, give me more! <3

"Oh really?" Noah pursued, modestly surprised.

I'm seriously going to shoot my mouth.

He released his grip on my hair and i slumped into the wall, gasping for air as i tried to crawl back to sanity. Where my friend was gay, where everything was platonic, and i didnt feel this heated arousal.

But Sir humps my tongue wasnt done yet as he dragged me back to reality. His long blonde hair covere his eyes as his cheeks lit up a bright red. His magnificent kisses of delight werent enough? oh hoh

Holding his lips to my forehead i felt his hands slide onto my waist. oooohhhh shit.

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled as the pair of hands fell to my hips.


Im innocent and im saving myself. I plan to lose my purity romantically at the night of my wedding where our unity is publicly approved... lol jks. I'll hump anything that moves - BUT NOT NOAH!!

My fear was subverted when i felt his hands sliding up through my top. I sighed relaxing in relief, Thankgod crisis averted. Silly boy, what was he gonna do? finger my chin or something. lol stupid gays muahahahahaha. His hands continued sliding up.

DUDE what do you want? All that was up there was a couple of....



He sat flushed in front of me, hands resting below my bust.THIS IS AS FAR AS YOUR GONNA GET.

FLY alice FLY!! i tooke his momentary lapse in attention to my advantage by sliding his to the left and lunging forward. However this legendary escape ended as inexplicably as it began.

As i threw myself forward Noah rotated behind me and slid his hands up to cup my bra covered breasts.


"AARRGHHH!!" i screamed as i collapsed to the bed, my evil plan vanquished, my escape thwarted. Noah lay on top of me as i lay chest down, however this did not stop his hands from their foriegn exploration. I sobbed guiltily as i was being pleasured by my best friend.

as the wimper left my lips i felt noah freeze on top of me. EUREAKA.

i broke out into tears, sobbing and booing causing noah to release his tightening hold of my love lumps.

"Vi i'm sorry are you oka---aaggh"

NEVER LET DOWN YOUR GUARD. I telepathically screamed as my foot connected to his suspiciouscly solid gonards. Noah curled up in pain. I felt sorry for his jelly beans but i needed to run. Cradelling my violated breasts i picked up my stuff and ran out of his room. Where can i go its the middle of the night? ... hmm i guess that'll have to be my secret hideout. I ran into the white tiled room and locked myself inside and locking my worries and Noah's heterosexual activities outside. I sighed into the bathtub, making myself comfortable in my new home.

What a mess. i sighed to myself, i was fine being a lonely humble hobbit, one day id meet someone else of my species and we'd elope and become hermits together.

why did a hot guy have to pursue me, WHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY!!

my sniffle echoed through the room.

i wanted my hairy hobbit


Thanx for reading Dont forget to comment

love Meow

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2012 ⏰

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