Chapter Eight

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“Please tell me you know what you’re doing,” someone begged. “This can’t be happening—not this soon.”

I felt sick. Like my entire stomach was trying to work its way up and out of my throat. The feeling alone was enough to make me vomit. That wasn’t even adding in the dizziness and room spinning that opening my eyes caused.

“Did you see that?!” the female voice cried out again. “She opened her eyes! I swear she did! Look!”

I wanted that stupid girl to shut up. She was really loud and annoying as Hell and all I could think was that she should have had better stuff to do than scream around me all day. It wasn’t like I was dead—I could hear her.

Valin’s cold eyes flashed in my mind and my stomach clenched despite the pain that laced through me at the action.

I had believed in him. I had trusted that he wouldn’t hurt me. I didn’t expect at all that he would hurt me—especially since he had kissed me. But I couldn’t say he wasn’t just playing a game. I had done the same tactic.

“Gem, could you please get the fuck out?” someone else—Jack?—growled. “You’re starting to get very annoying, very quickly and she doesn’t need that when she is trying to get better!”

I heard the girl make a stifled noise before fleeing and I opened my eyes again once her footsteps disappeared.

“Jack? I moaned, sitting up despite the pain. “What happened? Where am I? Where is Valin?”

“Stay still. You’ll only hurt yourself more.”

The blanket fell down and I winced as I looked down.

My body had been wrapped up to stop the bleeding but the wrappings began just below my waist and covered my breasts. If it would have been a bit lower, I probably could have worn it as a dress.

Yes, I could go clubbing in a giant white body wrap, I thought sarcastically. Maybe on Halloween. Maybe.

I leaned against the pillows for support, ignoring Jack’s complaints as I settled.

“Are you going to answer my questions or not,” I huffed, holding my side. “And another question—why am I covered in a wrapping dress?!”

“Valin stabbed you and then slid the knife upwards. There was a lot of damage.” He paused. “I…thought we were going to lose you.”

Jack turned away, standing and I frowned a bit in confusion.

“You’re in the infirmary,” he went on after a moment. “And Valin disappeared. We’re trying to find him. I was told to stay behind and watch over you. There’s only ten or so people left in the castle. Everyone’s out hunting Valin. And until he’s caught, I’m supposed to hide you on Earth.”

I sat up suddenly, gasping at the pain.

“I’m…I’m going home?” I asked hesitantly.

Jack nodded and I sucked in a breath, surprised. I knew my mouth was hanging open and I was willing to bet I was quite the sight at that moment. But Jack only nodded.

I set back, lying down carefully as I broke my gaze from Jack.

“We’ll be leaving in about an hour,” he said quietly. “But you can’t go back to work yet. And we need to keep you under house arrest. But you’ll be safe there than anywhere else.”

I didn’t say anything and Jack left the room silently. I couldn’t help but feel like there was something else—something important—that he wasn’t telling me. My nerves felt completely fried and all I could think about was how I was going to finally be home again.

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