He's an Editor

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Qulsum's POV.
I was home again curious as heck.

"So I met an editor today." I say walking into the living room.

"Yeah? Did you ask him if he'd be willing to edit for you?"

"Sort of. "

"Thats good. Does he seem like he's a nice person? I mean would he be weird to bring him for dinner?" She asks and I laugh.

"I honestly have no idea!"

"But I gave him your number because I didn't have a phone so he said ok.

"Mine? You silly! You should have given Yaseen's or he'll think you're talking to a man in secret!" She says bursting out into laughter.

"I'm not so sure about that. He's like 50. He actually looks young I guess but he's old. It says in his biography."

"Yeah? What else?"

"Well he doesn't give out his full name he just goes by J.R to people but in the whole bio it says Adam."

Her smile slowly fades and then she presses her lips and smiles.
"Wow so he seems like a more private kind if person."

"Yeah. It says nothing about his personal life."

"Wow! He's probably a really boring person then."

"He's kind of like Yaseen actually." I say and she laughs.

"I hope not."

"Well. It seems that way. "

"But all that aside. I have a surprise!"


"Yes! Ready?" She says.


She pulls out a box.

"Unwrap it." She says giving it to me.

"It's for you." She says smiling as I held the phone in my hand.

"Oh God!" I squeal.

"Everything's set in it already. So you can just get your editor to call you." She says and I smile and hug her.

"Thank you So much Jazakallah" I say and she whispers ameen.

"By the way. I invited my friend over she brought her daughter and her daughters friend AND SO YOUR FRIENDS WILL COME OVER TODAY!" She says and My mouth hangs open in shock.

"Oh God! This is SO MUCH! I've been gone for like 3 hours and all this?"

"Yeah." She says wiping a tear as she looked at me.

"Why..why are you crying?" I say as my smile fades.

"No nothing. Don't worry about it. I'm glad you're happy." She says getting up and taking a heavy breath in and out and smiled.

I was confused. It seemed to me more like she remembered something. But maybe I'm just overreacting. I should be happy!


My friends and I hung out inside for a bit and talked to my mom and then the four of us went out in the front.

"We should prank call." Riley says as she scrolls through her phone.

"Yeah! With your phone!" Fatima says.

"Lets prank call your husband!" Sam says raising her voice and I laugh.

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