Qulsum's love life

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I began to eat and Aliza stayed quiet while me and mama talked. We tried our best to make Aliza engage into the conversation but I could tell she was just pissed off.

All the sudden Yaseen came in rolling his sleeves up. He looked at me with a nod and a very very small smile.

Fake. Just fake.

He walked towards the chair next to me and Tariq pulled it out for him and Yaseen sat.

Why'd he sit next to me? Why not at the far end. No one wants him here anyway. All the sudden he pushes his chair closer to mine.

He pushed even closer until our chairs were almost touching. This was kind of pissing me off and quiet frankly he was making me feel uncomfortable.

"Can you pass me the plate please." He says looking at me. Ew.

Aliza surprisingly passed one to me and I just placed it in front of him.

"Say the dua before you start Yaseen." His mom says and he nods.

"It's good you joined us. Look now we have 4 people. It's great is it not?" Ma says and I smile.

"We could have a fifth too you know." I say. I mean her husband and her could work things out and get back together. It's hard I know it's not like a game but it's possible.

I know they still love and care for each other they just need to sort things out.

"You mean a child?" Yaseen whispers.

"No of course not." I say and Aliza gives me this really weird look.

"Never mind." I mutter.

Hold on a second. I know that J.R is her husband and that they're separated but are they divorced? And why? What happened. Yaseen never told me. Should I ask him? Or should I ask his mom?

I'm not trying to be rude and nosy, I'm just curious, because what if there's something I can do.


I quickly look up at maa and she smiles.

"Are you alright?" Yaseen whispers.

I squint my eyes at him and don't respond.

We finished eating and me and mama sat in the living room, while Aliza went to talk on the phone like usual and Yaseen doing God knows what.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask breaking the silence.

"It's rather personal." I say and she nods.

"Go on."

"What happened between you and your husband?"

"Yaseen didn't tell you?" She asks and I shake my head side to side and she nods.

"We're not divorced. We actual had a talk and decided to just live separately and get back after we cool down because we were having fights and arguments daily. It was like a routine. Now, when I look back we were being so irrational. We stopped spending time together because we got so caught up with work, friends, and Yaseen. I was busy, and I soon realized I wasn't giving Yaseen enough attention.

So I spent half my time with Yaseen and the rest would be with work and friends. The only time we would actually talk and relax was at night.

We just.. stopped acting like a couple. It's so ridiculous. Then we started arguing over us compromising our work. I was way too into my job and so was he. It was just that none of us wanted to give anything up.

So finally we talked it out and decided to just have a small break. He already owned a house. Three in total. But people were renting in one. So he decided to go into the house he had recently bought and we were thinking of moving into.

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