Hidden tear

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Yaseen's POV.

Qulsum looked at me then her.

She seemed kind of lost. She then turned and walked out.

I looked at Aliza who was smirking in satisfaction.

I walked out and followed Qulsum downstairs.

I stayed quiet as she walked into the kitchen and dialled in a phone number.

"Hello? " She whispers.

"Walaykumsalam." She says. Her voice was depressing.

"No, no, I think maybe I'm sick. It's great here. I'm happy." She says.

And once again guilt came over me.

"I just miss you. " She says and I swear to God I saw a tear slip out of her eye. I wanted to go and stop her. I didn't like seeing her cry. I've never seen her cry. Thank God.

"They said you were happier now that I was away." She whispered as the tears flowed out of her eyes and I couldn't stand there.

"Qulsum." I say walking towards her. She quickly put the phone on the table and just started wiping away her tears.

"please don't-" I begin to say but she turns around covering her face. Was she embarrassed?

"What .. Qulsum."

"mhm." SHe says.

"are you okay?" I ask. I never thought I would ask her this.

"Yeah I think there's an something in my eye." She says, does she really think I'm going to fall for it?

"Is that so?"

"mhm" She says.

She was clearly trying to play it off cool.

Qulsum's POV.

My heart was beating so fast. I almost let out the tears in front of him. I just got so emotional I wanted to talk to my dad. I never did it before but I did it today because I just feel so helpless now.

"Sorry I should have knocked before walking in I didn't know-"

"Don't be sorry. It's your room. You can come in whenever you want." He said sounding almost sympathetic.

"You said this house isn't mine then how can you tell me the room is mine?" I ask turning around to face him.

"My rules. Understand?" He says and I nod then begin to leave.

"I didn't see anything in your eyes by the way."

"Good." I say heading up.


I woke up with my eyes feeling teary.

"Where's your husband?"

I flinch hearing Aliza. She was sitting on the bed looking at the mirror playing with her hair.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and her evil smirk fades away.

"I'm a guest is that how you're -"

"Sorry." I say and that smirk returns.

"Now Your mother in law is out and I haven't had my breakfast so chop chop You better be down in ten minutes." She says walking off like a princess.

I washed up and got dressed and opened the door and bumped right into Yaseen.

Kill me now.

Once again he was fixing his watch.

"You have an eye lash on your cheek." He says still struggling to put his watch on.

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