Taking a Stand

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When we got back, there was another car parked in the driveway. As much as I wanted to be wrong I knew it was my family.

I got out and followed Yaseen into the house.

"Salam Alaykum" me and Yaseen say both at the same time.

"Walaykum Salam come on your brother and sisters  came to visit" maa says and I smile and nod.

As I walked in , the three were standing there with depressed looks.

"Um we need to talk to you." Zainab says staring at me like she wanted to attack me.

"Ok well I'm listening." I say and they all exchange looks and then Zainab looks at Yaseen and my mother in law and then back to me

"Alone." She adds in.

"They're family." I say and she rolls her eyes and smirks at the other two mocking me.

"Just you."

"That's fine we don't have a problem with moving away from a problem." Yaseen says walking off along with my mother in law.

"Ok what's going on."

"Mom and dad might get a divorce." Zainab said exchanging glances with Aliza.

Were they messing with me? It's impossible.

"What can I do?"

"Um I don't know maybe...talk to your f*cking father?!" Zainab curses.

"He's your father too-"

"Please shut up." Zainab snaps.

"Please leave." I say crossing my arms. How dare she say that.

"Excuse me-" Aliza says stepping in squinting her dark eyes at me.

"If you're here to mock OUR father then leave. This is my house and I won't tolerate your disgusting behaviour. Get out if you must." I say sternly.

"Well well well, looks like money does change people." Danish says smirking.

"It's not money. It's the support I have. Look we're not children sit down and talk." I say gesturing for them to sit.

They sat down and looked around then back at me.

"We want you to talk to your father."

"You don't like him anyway."

"Yeah but-"

"I'm not going to talk to him regarding this topic because my father is wise enough to make his own decisions. And I know whatever he does he will do it with reason."

"I'll get you guys something to eat." I say getting up. But Tariq walks in with a tray of cookies and tea.

"Thank you." I whisper and he smiles and places the tray on the table.

"So how's everything else?" I ask and they all just say there glaring at me.

"I swear I can ruin this shitty little marriage of yours in a snap. Stop trying to give us attitude." Zainab says.

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