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Qulsum's POV.

"A year ago she was in a coma" Sam says. She was basically introducing the three of us, fatima, Riley and me to her boyfriend Josè.

"Wow. For how long?"

"Not too long less than a month maybe 2-3 weeks?"

"Wow. But you were okay after that?" He asks he had a hint of concern in his voice.

Sams phone rang and she picked up.
"Um I'm not sure. One sec. Babe Did you get fluffy's food or...?" Sam looks at Josè and he smiles and nods no.

"Sorry I forgot." He says and she smiles.

"Mom we were gonna go shopping anyway we'll drop off Daisy's food too" she says. After a couple more minutes she hung up.

"Ok well we better go. Also your cooking tonight" Sam says getting up.

"Great, hey what about I bus home and you can take the car drop off Daisy's food and come. So ya man can start cooking earlier. We have to finish setting up that table too" Josè says also getting up.

Wow. They were such a good couple ,working together like partners.

"Ok sure sounds good! sorry guys but we better get going" Sam says smiling.

"They're so cute!" Fatima says.

"Right, plus he cooks!" Riley adds in.

"Are they goals or what?" Fatima says.

"They're a match made in heaven" I say and they nod.

"Um by the way Qulsum... how's your marriage?" She asks. I could tell she felt really uncomfortable asking me that.

"Really well actually. He bought a horse." I say and from their faces I could tell they were shook.

"Wow! That's great! So is he still a workaholic?" Riley asks.

I laugh remembering how our last conversation went about my marriage.

"Oh God no! He's good now. He even bought me a new phone after he broke the other one!" I say and Riley begins to laugh slapping her hand on the table.

Fatima in the other hand was looking at me in a very..weird way.

"Qulsum, You realize buying things isn't what makes a person great. So what if he got you a phone? So what if he bought you a horse?" She says calmly and then before I could argue she jumped back in.

"I guess when you become rich and have money your values change. Oh also, my mistake , when your husband is rich and has the money. Not you." She says and I was just really surprised.

"I know what my values are Fatima. I'm not saying that he's good because of his money. I simply mentioned the two things that I thought were randomly sweet. I wasn't trying to offend you."

"Fatima relax. Why are you getting all worked up?"

"Because I can tell she's showing off. Trying to show her higher status because of her money -"

"You're accusing me of being a gold digger then?"

"Precisely. Because that's what you are."

"Fatima wallahi, that's not what My intentions are. He's done things for me that I can't thank him for. If I had something to show off believe me a horse and a new phone would not be part of it. Regardless I would never try to show off."

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