Chapter 9

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The road was a blur beneath them as Kuroda broke pretty much every speed limit in japan, Izuku clinging to his mentor's back for dear life as the wind pulled and tugged at his hair and clothes. They reached Yuuei property in record time, Kuroda skidding to a halt outside the gates to the school.

"What do we do now?" Izuku asked, peering over the older man's shoulder to look at the obstacle looming in front of them.

Kuroda parked the vehicle and hopped off, the teenager following his example. "First off, you're getting into your suit," he told Izuku, who nodded. "As for how we get in," he lifted the leather seat to reveal a small compartment underneath; he reached his hand in and pulled out a small device. "This'll release a small EMP within a twenty foot radius." He explained, turning away respectfully when Izuku started to change. "I place it on the gate and the electric currents will stop, and we'll ride in. The gate's usually used for garbage disposal, so there're no cameras."

"I don't even want to know how you found that out." Izuku stated, now fully donned in his gear, his helmet resting in his hands. "Let's go, I don't want anyone to get hurt because we were late." He put on his helmet and took his seat on the bike.

Kuroda placed the device on the gate."Got it, got it, geez you're bossy." He hopped onto the motorcycle and ignored the smack on his back from Izuku as the gate let out a beep and opened, showing a straight road ahead. They tore down the road, the teenager letting out a whoop of excitement from his helmet.

Shinshou stared at his desk, tapping his pencil's eraser tapping on its surface. He'd brainwashed the only friend he had yesterday, and today, said friend's desk was empty; a glaring reminder of what Shinshou did. He no doubt broke the other teenagers trust in him, whatever friendship that has been forming was gone for sure, dust in the wind.

The insomniac remembered Midoriya's face after he'd brainwashed Bakugou, instead of any fear he'd been expecting, the green haired boy was akin to an excited puppy; jumping at the bit to ask him about his quirk. Midoriya was always either too nervous to speak properly or having an air of quiet confidence, there was no middle ground. Yet, when he was in the nurse's office, he hadn't been either of the two; he'd honestly panicked when Midoriya pinned him to the window, his friend's eyes wide with a primal fear as his body betrayed him.

He hadn't even thought about wether or not he should have done it, he just did it, no secondary thought put into it whatsoever. That honestly scared him; ever since kindergarten, when his quirk manifested, he had control over his emotions, not wanting to brainwash anyone out of anger; but yesterday, his concern for his friend outweighed his ten+ years of self control. He ignored the whispers in favor of being with much better company: his thoughts. All the while, he sent glances to the only empty seat in the class. I'm sorry, Midoriya, he thought, trying to focus on the lesson his teacher was talking about. I just wish you could know how sorry I am.

"What's the plan when we get there?" Izuku yelled above the wind, "And how long until we do?"

"I'll tell you the plan when we don't have to yell at each other." Kuroda replied. They rode along the road for a few minutes, then turned to the left onto a clear dirt path. The engine spluttered and died as he turned the bike off and dismounted. He motioned for Izuku to crouch with him as he crawled near a bush. They both peeked out, watching as a bus pulled up from the opposite direction they came in. The door opened, and one of the most inconspicuous heroes to date, Eraserhead, stepped out.

"The plan is this," His mentor began, watching as students started filing out of the bus and into the facility. "In a few minutes, the League is going to start their attack; it's reasonable to assume their warp gate is going to scatter everyone, so you'll have to put him out of action first." He turned to face his student, "How are you going to do that?"

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