Chapter 15

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The next morning, Izuku woke up alone. Sitting up and stretching, he could see a small post-it note on the table.

Midoriya, I called your school, they said they'd give you the next week off to get everything sorted with your next legal guardian. Sleep in, eat some breakfast, watch tv, do whatever teenagers do these days. Just don't get into trouble.

- Tsukauchi Naomasa

Well, getting into trouble was only when he got caught, right? With that reasoning in mind, Izuku rushed to the bed again and crouched low. With a bit of reaching (plus muttered curses about short arms) he managed to snag the handle of the box he'd placed underneath the mattress. He was about to open the container and suit up when his phone went off from its place on the desk. Curious, he walked over to unplug his phone and turn on the screen to see who'd messaged him. It was Iida.

Received 7:00 am.

Good morning, Midoriya. I have been told that you are to be out on a suspension until your temporary place of residence is decided. Would it be acceptable to you if we met up all the hospital after school? I can bring any school work you'll miss and I'm sure Shinshou and Kahiro would be more than willing to help you if you do not understand it at first.

Ugh, he'd completely forgotten about homework. Yawning slightly, Izuku typed a reply.

Sent 7:02 am.

Ok, I'll be there. See you after school, Iida, I'm going to go over some science notes.

Received 7:04 am.

See you later, Midoriya.

Sighing, Izuku pocketed the phone. He couldn't keep track of time in the armor, it typically.... blurred for him in the rush of adrenaline that wearing the outfit brought. It would be safer if he waited until after school for a patrol.

So, what the heck was he supposed to do in the meantime?

Normally if he was homesick he would watch TV, but that probably wouldn't be an option, given that the media was all over what happened to his mother and Kuroda. Knowing them, they'd probably be throwing the word Quirkless into their sentences like dressing on a damn salad. His stomach growled at the thought of food, demanding like a petulant child. He made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a box of cereal sitting on top of the fridge. He grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge and set about making breakfast, if pouring cereal into a bowl even counted as 'making'. Putting both the cereal and the milk away, he sat down to eat. It was on the second bite of painfully tasteless cereal that an epiphany came to him, making him freeze mid-chew.

The media. The ravenous, desperate media, which would blow up something a vigilante said to epic proportions.

He scrambled from his chair, breakfast forgotten as he hastily tied his shoes and rushed out of the apartment, the door making a bang behind him. One thought was on his mind as he rushed past the desk attendant and onto the streets: where could he buy some walkie-talkies?

The actual process of buying the device went faster than Izuku expected, the cashier of the tech store he'd walked into didn't so much as blink when he asked about them. He took out his wallet and paid for the proper amount of money, taking the bag the employee had put his purchase in. After that, the real challenge was walking to the warehouse at a normal pace. Tearing down the street wouldn't help him so much as draw attention to himself, which was something he really didn't need at the moment. Especially with the scheme he had in mind. The familiar doors burst open as he rushed in, making a beeline to Kuroda's desk. Placing his bag down, Izuku opened the bottom left drawer, letting out a sound of triumph as he took a small box out. Removing the lid revealed two old-style flip phones, fully charged and ready to make the sort of call he was planning. Taking one, he replaced the lid and put the box back where it belonged. Izuku recalled what Kuroda had told him when he was explained the use of burner phones.

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