Chapter 19

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There were many different situations All Might had been prepared for when he broke through that wall into the makeshift arena. He was considered the top pro hero - the best of the best - he couldn't have kept that title if he rushed into things blindly. He'd read the files on Shiragaki Tomura, he was well aware of the man's tendency to violence and murder in reaction to a wrench being thrown in his plans. Even armed with that knowledge, he was caught somewhat off guard by the sight of several Noumu and Shiragaki himself pinning down Kuroko.

Kuroda appeared at his side like a shadow as he eyed the bulky Noumu like pieces on a chessboard. "We'll handle Shiragaki," he stated, his brother rushing forwards in a blur. The crippled man gave him one last little tidbit before rushing after his brother. "These guys were made to fight you, you can't hold back."

So that's how the fight began. The Noumu were considerably more resilient than anything he'd ever fought in the past, it took several hits (over his one hundred percent, no less) to down a single creature. Young Bakugou managed to escape his captor when All Might had flung a Noumu across the arena and into the one holding him hostage. By the time All Might had subdued the creatures, Shiragaki was curled up in pain and Nagaki had Kuroko in his arm. He couldn't help the little inhalation of shock when Nagaki removed the helmet and a shock of green hair became visible. So he had been right, young Midoriya had been the vigilante Kuroko.

Oh how he wished his hunch could've been wrong for once.

The teen was openly sobbing on Nagaki, and who could blame him? He'd been kidnapped, held against his will and fought Bakugou for his life. Frankly, All Might would have been more concerned if Midoriya hadn't shed a few tears. Silently, he made his way over, right as Nagaki inquired if Midoriya could stand.

He interrupted before Midoriya could push himself any further. "You've been through enough, my boy," he'd said, watching solemnly when the teen's head whipped up and stared at him in fear. "Let's get you to a hospital, young Midoriya."

Midoriya had started to struggle in Nagaki's arms, his one good hand frantically scrabbling for purchase to escape from his mentor's grip. "Kuroda, my helmet isn't on." He said in a state of shock. "All Might just saw me without my helmet on."

Nagaki had been quick to soothe the fears of his student. "It's ok kid," he said, holding the teen even closer. "We struck an agreement before we came in here. Kei's gonna sort out the legalities while you're getting treated." Nagaki shot a glance to his brother, who nodded with his foot still digging into the space between Shiragaki's shoulder blades. Leave it to us, okay? You've done your part, let us do ours."

All Might could physically see the tension drain out of Midoriya, shoulders slumping as Nagaki helped him stand. "Oh. If it's ok with you, I going to pass out now," he murmured before going completely limp in his mentor's arms.

Nagaki snorted, "Don't let me stop ya, kid." He groaned as he shifted the weight on his shoulder, "Damn, physical therapy did not prepare me for this so soon."

That was where All Might stepped in, "If I may," he said, gaining the attention of the brothers. "I can carry young Midoriya and take him to the Yuuei nurse's office. Recovery Girl can treat him there."

The two looked at each other, having what could almost be described as a silent conversation before Nagaki returned his focus to All Might. "Fine."

Gently, All Might took the teen from a reluctant Nagaki's arm, pointedly ignoring the way Midoriya's broken arm flopped uselessly as he adjusted his grip. The teen may have been a vigilante, hardened and trained to fight against both villains and heroes; but right then, as All Might carried Midoriya's featherlight form out of that accursed arena, the teen was fragile as glass.

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