Chapter 16

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Thankfully for Izuku's already strained nerves, Stain didn't stay for very long afterwards. Only long enough, in fact, to plan a second meeting the next day to brainstorm for a plan of action against the league. Compared to that, the rest of the patrol was tame as he ran across the rooftops, checking alleys and dropping down to warn some civilians who were unknowingly walking right into a red-zone for muggings. Even after his few months of vigilante-ing, it still surprised Izuku just how many people could be so oblivious to their surroundings. With exhausted limbs, he made his way to the hideout, careful not to be seen by any bystanders as he opened the familiar door and stepped in.

He let a sight out through his nostrils, taking off the helmet and letting the semi-cool air make contact with his face. The room was lit by stray beams of moonlight, making lights unnecessary as he found his box of spare clothes and began to change. After that, it was little effort for him to shuffle some tumbling mats around to make a very rudimentary makeshift bed. There was one problem though, as he laid on that mat and stared at the ceiling; there wasn't the sound of mumbled curses about bratty teens, no comforting hand he could feel even in a stake of half-awareness.

Kuroda wasn't there, and he wouldn't be there for at least a month. The best he could do was wait, wait and try to keep it together in the face of an enemy that outnumbered him by the hundreds. Good luck getting a good sleep tonight, he thought, closing his eyes and falling into a restless slumber.

In the end it was a dry mouth that woke him up, his tongue laying uncomfortably between his teeth. He let out a groan as he sat up, cracking his back before standing and shaking the sleepiness out of his limbs.

"Is it bad that that was the best sleep I've had for a while?" He wondered aloud, looking down at his bed and then to the warehouse around him. He shook his head, packing his things quickly and setting off towards the city. No one so much as spared him a glance as he made his way through the streets, too caught up in their own lives to pay attention to a small teen among their rows of organised chaos. He nearly rammed into Detective Naomasa on his way into the apartment complex, the man quickly grabbing his shoulder to steady him.

"Izuku, you're home early. I thought you might be staying with your friend later." He stated, and Izuku prayed that the suspicion in his voice was a figment of his imagination. "I have to tell you that you can't do that again; you're still in danger from the people that attacked your mother. I'm supposed to keep you safe, Izuku."

The teen had been about to reply, but then noted the bags under the man's eyes, and how his irises were slightly glazed. He could smell the coffee on the other man's breath and see the slightest hint of a five o'clock shadow on his chin. Izuku fought down the guilt he felt. He was trained to not assume anything, even if a lot of evidence was pointing to the detective losing sleep over his safety.

"I'm sorry, Tsukauchi." He said, looking away. "It's just..... been a bit rough."

The man sighed and took his hand off of the teen's shoulder. "That's okay, Izuku." He said wearily, "Just don't do it again, or I'll have to call in a search party." His face kept its stoic expression. He was dead serious.

Izuku gulped, "Yes, sir." He said, stepping past the man and into the building. "What time do you come back, again?" He asked innocently, his head sticking out of the opened door.

"Around nine pm." Naomasa replied easily, giving Izuku a nod before turning in the direction of the parking garage. "Have a good day, Midoriya."

"You too, detective." He replied under his breath, letting the entrance close behind him as he stepped in the elevators and headed up to the apartment. Oh boy, this was going to be a long day.

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