Chapter 18

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In Bakugou Katsuki's expert opinion, he was not at fault for the kitchen being blown up. No, the blame fell to his bitch ass mom, who decided to turn on the TV at full volume. Bakugou had been washing the dishes (maybe or maybe not scrubbing with more force than necessary just to spite the old hag). That was when he heard it, the words that had made his hands ignite and shatter the glass in his hand.

'Midoriya Izuku, age fifteen, has gone missing; presumed to have been kidnapped by the League of Villains.'

Oh boy, people thought they'd seen him mad before? That moment trumped all of his other fits by a goddamn light year. The walls of apartments several blocks away shook under the combination of his explosions and incomprehensible screaming. More than one call was made to the police that night, the callers fearing that a villain was on the loose. This was something much, much worse however: Bakugou Katsuki on a warpath.

It was only after the authorities had left and his mother finally got off his damn back that he could think properly. Everything before that had been a haze of fury. A fog so thick he could have choked in it if he'd stayed submerged any longer. Why the hell did he care anyways? It was Deku, the useless shitbag who'd sought to spite him at every turn. First by getting into Yuuei, then by...... Something, he was sure of it, he just couldn't think of it right then, that was all. Point is, Deku might as well have been a universal constant – the ever-present source of irritation in his life. He was useless, but Katsuki didn't think he was so useless as to get caught by fucking villains. It showed how much the little shit always wanted to prove him wrong. Which was stupid, because he was - and always would be - right.

At school two days later, Katsuki noticed how three certain classmates kept sending glances to one another as the lessons went on. It pissed him off, and he ended up getting scolded for breaking his pencils more times than he cared to remember.

Those bastards knew something he didn't, and there were few things that could get him more pissed than that. Unfortunately the teachers were everywhere now, constantly watching their students like fucking hawks. All Katsuki could do was fume silently as he watched the three go about their day. He could smell the smoke from his palms as he skulked down the street, his thoughts elsewhere.

Why would villains even bother with Deku? He wasn't strong, he definitely didn't have a Quirk, and he was about as brave as a goddamn doormat. Not much to steal there, except maybe for his giant nerd brain. Could that be why they took him? He'd been so enveloped in his thoughts he almost walked straight into the guy in front of him.

"Watch where you're going, fucknut!" He growled, shoving past them and stomping away. He stopped short when a familiar black mist began to gather in front of him. "Oh hell no." His hands ignited small explosions - a warm up for the main event - when someone shoved him from behind. It was the bastard that had gotten in his way. The piece of shit was smiling like he'd won the goddamn lottery as Bakugou tumbled into the warp gate.

The sensation of warping wasn't pleasant - like being pulled in every direction while spinning rapidly. A wave of vertigo hit him like a train before the world finally righted itself and he hit the floor. Katsuki suppressed the urge to vomit; he wasn't a little bitch that couldn't handle a little dizziness.

Someone spoke from above him. "Well, that was easier than expected."

Oh that was it. First they had the balls to kidnap him, then they insulted his combat abilities? A dead man was right in front him. Bakugou shot up from his place on the floor, his palms sparking furiously as he lunged for the voice's owner. He covered his grunt of pain with an angry roar as something grabbed him from behind and shoved him back onto the floor.

The voice spoke again, "Ah, there's the fight we'd anticipated." His hair was harshly tugged, forcing him to look up. He bristled at who he saw.

"You," He snarled. "You're the freak that showed up with that misty fuck at the USJ."

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