Chapter Three

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its date night homies grab your popcorn

lets set the ambiance with a little song, shall we?

Song: Sex, Drugs, and WhiskeyHands- MikeyWhiskeyHands!

guys im kidding i promise xD

Real Song: Under A Paper Moon- All Time Low


This was the first date I’ve gone on in eleven years. I felt extremely old saying that, but it was true. I didn’t date after I had Addison because I didn’t think I could bare having another man leave me.

This thing with Alex though... it had to be as only friends. There is no way in Hell that he would ever like me once he finds out how much of a protective mother I am. I keep my emotions isolated because Addison was more important than how I felt about certain situations.

“Where are we going?” Addison asked as we made our way to the small restaurant Alex told me to meet him at.

“We’re going to have dinner with Alex,” I answered, opening the door to the restaurant.

“You’re not going to date Alex, are you?” She suddenly asked, looking slightly terrified.

I kneeled down to her level. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. Why? Do you not like him?” I asked, straightening her dress. What if he did something to her when they were playing soccer? I would never forgive myself if something happened and she was too afraid to tell me.

“No, no, he’s fine. But he’s such a nerd,” Addison answered, looking around the restaurant.

I chuckled and continued making my way into the restaurant. I looked around, quickly spotting Alex at one of the booths. I held Addison’s hand as we made our way over to the table.

“Hi there,” he said, getting up and giving me a hug. He also gave Addison a hug before sitting back in the booth. I sat across from him so I could be beside Addison. She was quite shy at restaurants, for some reason.

“So, Addison... how are you liking Warped Tour so far?” Alex asked, taking a sip of his water.

“It’s great. Pierce The Veil is the best band,” Addison answered with a smile.

“You sure All Time Low isn’t better?” Alex teased with a wink.

Addison nodded. “Yeah, Pierce The Veil is the best.”

I smiled at Alex before taking a sip of water.

“What a lovely looking couple,” an old waitress said, coming over to our table with a pen and paper in hand. She had white hair up in a bun and she was wearing a typical waitress get up.

“Oh, we’re not a couple,” Alex quickly said, laughing nervously.

“I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, but you two are just so cute, and so is this little cutie,” she said, looking at Addison. She then looked at me, a serious expression on her face. “Now don’t go friend-zoning this boy because he is damn gorgeous. Now, what can I get you for drinks?”

All three of us lied down on the grass as we stared up at the stars. We just finished playing at the playground and Addison decided that she wanted to lie down on the grass.

“That one’s the big dipper,” Alex said, pointing up at a group of stars. “And right over there is the little dipper.”

I looked over at Alex, smiling at his fascination with the stars. He must’ve really been into space things considering how excited he looked.

He suddenly looked at me, also smiling. “What are you looking at?” He murmured with a smirk.

“Oh nothing. Where did you learn about all of these constellations?” I asked.

“School, books. Space has always been a big interest of mine. When I was younger I wanted to be an astronaut until I figured out that you actually had to go to school for that.”

I nodded before looking over at Addison, who was sleeping soundly. “I think we should get going now,” I said, getting up and picking up Addison as well.

“I can carry her,” Alex said, taking her from me as we began the walk back to the Warped venue. Tomorrow we had to make the road trip to another city.

I hated sleeping in the van more than anything. It was full of men and I didn’t feel comfortable having Addison in that, even though I had no choice. It was also horrible because the air conditioner didn’t work when the van was turned off, which was for the entirety of the night.

“So... I know what it’s like sleeping in one of those vans,” Alex said, as if he was reading my mind. “We have a couple extra bunks in the bus if you want to stay in there,” he offered.

I smiled. “Do you seriously mean that? I don’t want us to be a burden on you or anything.”

“It’s totally fine. The bunks are far enough back that you won’t be able to hear Jack’s insane drunk outbursts and as long as you don’t mind a little snoring by Zack, the bunks are yours.”

“Thank you so much, Alex. Seriously, you have no idea how much this really means to me. Coming on this tour wasn’t ideal for Addison, but you’re honestly making it so much easier.” I couldn’t hide the prominent smile on my face. I couldn’t believe how nice Alex was being, it was almost too good to be true.

He opened the door to the All Time Low tour bus and I stepped in. On the couch were the rest of the members of All Time Low, and an unfamiliar looking girl. She must’ve been a girlfriend or something.

“I’ll just take Addison to the back,” Alex said to me, carrying Addison to where the bunks were, leaving me with these strangers.

“Um, hi,” I said, awkwardly.

“Thank god, there’s a girl!” The girl enthused, sounding relieved. “I’m Lydia, by the way. I’m helping with the merch this tour and I have to stay in the bus with these four shits as well as Vinny, another shit.”

I chuckled. “Well, you have no idea how relieved I am to see another girl as well.”

“I can see you’re already getting along,” Alex said with a laugh as he emerged from the bunks. “Guys, this is Claire.”

“Your daughter is rad,” Jack said with a nod. I knew them all because of my conversation with Alex tonight.

I chuckled. “Thanks.”

“She’s also ten, Jack,” Rian said, causing everyone to laugh.

“I’m not a pervert, Rian!” Jack exclaimed, hitting his arm. “Well... most of the time, at least.”

“Just letting you know ahead of time... I have sleep apnea so snoring is a bit of a problem,” Zack said, taking a sip of his drink.

“A bit? His snoring sounds like there’s a bear sleeping in the bunk above me. It’s fucking scary,” Jack said, completely serious.

“You’ll get used to it, don’t worry,” Alex murmured to me.

“How’s it going boys?” I heard from behind me as the door to the bus opened. I turned around to see Vic hop onto the bus. He looked surprised to see me. “Uh... Claire right?” He said, acting like he didn’t know me.

I nodded. “Yeah... your guitar tech.” I couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. I knew he was just acting, but somehow it still hurt to hear him say those words.

“Right. So... who wants to watch some movies?”


way to be a party pooper vic geez

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