Chapter Four

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wowzers this is pretty long m8

Song: Hold On Till May- Pierce The Veil ft Lindsey Stamey


After another successful concert by Pierce The Veil, I was sitting on a bench under a tent, drinking some water. Addison was getting ice cream with Alex and Jack and I was by myself.

Alex was honestly the nicest person I’ve ever met. He was so kind towards me and Addison, it was unbelievable. He loved spending time with Addison, and he usually sat with her during Pierce The Veil’s set. I was starting to think that he liked her more than he liked me, even though I knew it wasn’t true.

I was lost in my train of thought when I suddenly felt someone grab my wrist and pull me behind a tree. It was Vic.

“Vic, what are you doing?” I murmured.

“I needed to see you. I um... I need to tell you that I’m sorry again. What I did back then was wrong and if it’s child support you need, I’ll pay it all off right now, every dime. I’ll do anything to get you to forgive me,” he begged, his wide broken eyes staring into mine with deep sympathy.

Every time I looked at Addison, those were the exact eyes that I saw. I had learned to hold back my tears, even though all of the memories of Vic and I together flooded back to me, every time.

“You think this is about money?” I asked, barely able to speak.

“N... no. I just... I just want you to forgive me. What do I need to do?”

“You could’ve apologized eleven years ago and maybe I would’ve accepted it. It’s too late now, Vic. All of that is behind us and you are no longer a part of my life. Just... leave me alone. We don’t know each other, remember?”

I quickly stormed away before he was able to protest. Now he knew how it felt to be left alone in a time of need. It really sucked, but I was done with feeling that way.

“Mommy!” Alex yelled as I saw him, Addison and Jack approaching me with ice cream cones in hand.

“She’s not your mommy,” Addison said, sternly.

“Yeah Alex!” Jack teased, obviously thinking about the sexual innuendo within the meaning of what Alex said.

“You missed out on a great ice cream experience,” Alex said, quickly changing the subject. “You can have some if you want,” he added, offering me his ice cream cone.

I licked it before taking a glance at Jack and becoming slightly uncomfortable.

“Wow, already swapping spit, are we?” Jack teased.

“Ew, why would anyone want to do that?” Addison asked, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

“We’ll talk about this another time. Now how about we go back to the tour bus and watch some cartoons?” I offered, leading Addison towards the tour bus.

I was swapping out Addison’s sheets on her bunk when I found a familiar-looking book underneath her pillow. I sighed as my hand brushed the cover. How could I let her get a hold of this? I thought it was hidden under my bed back at the house.

I saw her bookmark on one of the pages, so I opened it. I tried to hold back my tears as I read the familiar writing.

Dear Journal,

Vic is in a band now, it’s called Pierce The Veil. While I’m at home, being a single mother and struggling with everything. He’s become so successful, I honestly knew he would. There’s not a day when I don’t miss him singing to me.

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