Chapter Twenty-two

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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

I'm three months pregnant now and I can move my toes. That's about all I can do that which sucks, I feel like I should be able to do more. Ashton has been working a lot lately so he doesn't have to work as much when our pup is born. Sarah is doing ok at the moment, she's been up and down, so has Lucas. I visit him every other day, make sure he's still breathing. The doctors are saying if she doesn't wake up in six months then they have to pull the plug, they've only told Ashton and I, we don't think Lucas can handle to hear something like that just yet.

I made a decision without Ashton knowing, I talked to doctor Harper and she said that after I have the baby I should be able to help, only one more month. "Hey Anna, when did doctor Harper say we'd be able to find out the sex of the baby?"

"On the seventeenth"

"So yesterday?" 

"Wait really? It's the eighteenth already?" I checked my phone and sure enough it was. "I should make an appointment soon" I said then turned back to the sandwich in front of me. I've been eating so much, I'm way hungrier than I've ever been, that's saying a lot, I've been orphaned since I was thirteen. Ashton laughed breaking me from my thoughts.

"I already made the appointment. Come on we have gotta go" 

"But my sandwich" 

"Anna, that's your third sandwich within the last hour"

"You try having a wolf pup growing in you" I snapped and he kissed my head and handed my sandwich back to me. I took a bite and then got up, "Alright, I'm ready" Ashton chuckled and we both left for the doctor's office. "I think it's a boy, he's kind of like you"

"What's that suppose to mean?" he asked a bit confused.

"Very hungry" he laughed at me and we kept walking. When we walked into the hospital and when we walked in it was crazy. People started running out and then we heard a howl, then a growl. 

"Stay here" Ashton said and ran off.

"Like hell I'm going to stay here" I mumbled and went as fast as I could with my crutches. I saw Lucas was being pinned to the wall, he was trying to break free from the men holding him, including Ashton. "Let him go!" I yelled and everyone listened to the command, even Ashton.

"It's because you're the element shifter, dummy" Lauren said practically facepalming. I ignored her and walked forward. I could tell Ashton was pissed that I disobeyed his order but I don't care, I'm Luna, I don't take orders. Lucas wasn't enraged anymore, but on the ground sobbing. 

"Hey, shh. Tell me what's wrong"

"Sarah" he sobbed out. I quickly went to her room and there I saw on the bed Sarah was covered in a white blanket. I choked back a sob, I don't even know her but it still hurt. She was the beta female...was suppose to be beta female. I looked around the room and saw no one in the room and took a deep breath. I walked towards Sarah, removed the blanket that covered her, and grabbed her hands. I looked at the door and noticed some flowers near the door, I made the pedals lock the door.

"Da fortitudinem meam" I mumbled over and over again. Give my strength...give my strength. I felt colder and colder but didn't stop. Only stopped when I heard a sharp intake of breath and fell back onto the ground landing on my back. I placed my hand on my stomach as I felt a kick, the first kick. 

"Someone! Help! A woman's pulse is fading and she's pregnant" Sarah yelled as she held my wrist. I heard pounding on the door, the last thing I remember is the door falling to the floor and Ashton running to my side. 

"I'm here baby, I'm here" he said lifting me up in the air and then I was out. 

.     .    .

I took a deep breath. I felt light, and numb. I looked around and saw I was sitting in a chair in a hall, I also saw that at the end of the hall was a door. I took another deep breath. I stood up and went looked around for crutches, but I couldn't find any. I took one more deep breath and walked forward. I could move my leg, I could walk. I walked forwards and memories of mine started to appear on the walls. They were all from my perspective, I watched my memories from when I was five to when I was fifteen. From the first time I said an actual word to when I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I looked at my stomach and saw no baby bump. "Lauren? Lynn? Adan? You guys there?"

"We're here with you, don't worry dear" Adan said in a calm voice. I sighed and continued to walk down the hall, watching my memories. I got to the door and opened it to see a path that split in two a few yards in front of me. I looked down the path to the right and saw beautiful flowers growing in a wonderful meadow, I saw the sun rising, and hear little song birds chirpy. I looked down the left path and it was a dark. Trees that were as tall as skyscrapers gave it a creepy look, and just by looking at it I felt my leg go numb, I felt cold, and pain. 

It made me feel something else as well. Something so wonderful. A kick. I placed my hand on my stomach, I still didn't have my baby bump but I could feel my baby move. I also saw lights, like fireflies going around the forest, and then they formed to make figures. There were a few guys, a couple females, and older woman, a couple little toddlers, but one figure stood out most to me, when I saw it I knew exactly who it was. "Ashton?" he turned to face me and in his arms was a baby.

I felt tears come to my eyes and closed them. My heart felt heavy, as I continued to stand there. I took a step forward and made my decision. "I love you Ashton, I always will" I said as a tear made it's way down my cheek, and then I took the right path.

My name is Gabriela
And there's a million things I haven't done
But just you wait, just you wait...

If you couldn't tell that was a Hamilton song, but with my name instead of his name. I'm obsessed with Hamilton right now, I know I'm a bit late but, better late then never am I right? Sorry that was lame. You all should listen to Hamilton at least once and tell me what you think, but listen to it in order, it's a musical, you have to. 

Sorry to tell you guys but, this book is almost done. Yeah, I'm almost finished with it. I'm mad at me too. There will be a sequel don't worry, I've already started working on it, I'll sneak in some point of views from these characters, it will mostly be in the point of views of some other characters who are just little babies right now.

Schools been good. I still sit alone, I talked to my ex, everything is good. Only thing is that I had such a bad panic attack in my drama class the other day after I had an asthma attack. It was literally seconds after the asthma attack. 

Stay amazing and beautiful like you already are!

Ps. if you could follow me on instagram at leaves_arefalling that would awesome!

~Gabi :)

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