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Bailey(Pup)Wolf: After her husband is killed Bailey moves back home. When she is almost taken by her husband's killer she turns to the only other man she trusts.

Deke(Butch)Thomas: Having always thought the Bailey was better than him he kept his feelings about her to himself. Now she's back home and he will do whatever it takes to keep her and her daughter safe.

Zita Wolf: Bailey's daughter. Zita is three months old and cries anytime someone picks her up beside Bailey and Deke.

Justin Morey: Bailey's deceased husband, who was working for the wrong type of people.

Blake(Bullet)Wolf: Bailey uncle who adopted her after her parents died. 

Willow Wolf: Bailey's Aunt who married Blake when she was twelve. 

Ellie and Janey Wolf: Blake and Willow's daughters. Ellie is thirteen and Janey is six years old.

Katie Sala: Bailey's best friend and part-time dance partner.

Kalum Cassidy: Kalum worked with Justin and after he died he became Bailey and Zita's protector.

Jonas Coleman: Jonas was a friend of Justin's and when he died he always kept a check on her and his goddaughter, Zita. When he finds out that Bailey is being threatened by the people that killed his friend he goes to help keep her safe.

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