Chapter Fifteen

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A\N: Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I don't know what you all do for the day that celebrates love but I sit at home and watch sappy romance movies, cry, and stuff my face with homemade brownies because I don't have Valentine and I am pathetically alone...Again.


I groaned as sunlight hit my closed eyes and I rolled over before sitting up looking around to see I was alone laying in Deke's bed where I vaguely remember being carried and laid down with Zita, sighing I got up and moved to the guest room where my bag was and I grabbed some clean undergarments, shorts tanktop, and a jacket before going to the master bathroom and taking a quick shower before getting dressed in my clothes and heading downstairs before freezing in the doorway of the living room smiling at the two people on the couch. Deke was on the couch with Zita on his chest and they were both asleep, smiling I quickly grabbed my phone and snapped a picture before hurrying to the kitchen and looking through the cabinets and finding a can of mixed fruit and I opened it before sitting at the table and texting Katie.

"What are you doing?" Deke's rough voice asked and I looked up to see him standing behind me holding Zita.

"Eating and texting Katie," I smiled standing up and putting my bowl in the sink. "Although I do need to be going before I'm late for work."

"Let me get changed and I'll drive you," he said and I nodded taking my daughter from him and walking upstairs to get her changed and dressed.

"We're ready," I said stopping by the door and Deke nodded and we walked over to my truck and he opened the back door and I quickly buckled Zita in before freezing when Deke ran his fingers over my thigh. "De?"

"When did you get this?" he asked and I glanced down taking not of how he was rubbing his forefinger over my tattoo.

"I got it when I was twenty," I said. "Katie wanted to get one and she dragged me there and I decided to get one."

"Does it have any specific meaning?" he asked

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"Does it have any specific meaning?" he asked.

"My parents used to say it all the time," I said stepping to the side and closing the truck door. "I guess it was a way to remember them by."

"I think it suits you," he whispered kissing my cheek before walking around to the drivers' side and I just stared at him before climbing into the passenger seat. "So whats the plan for today?"

"I have three classes to teach," I said pulling a memory card case out of my pocket and holding it up. "I'm giving you Justin's memory card so you can figure out what all he put on it and see if you can find out if there is a dirty cop working with the people that killed him."

"Call me when you want me to come pick you up," he said and I nodded leaning over and pecking his cheek before jumping out and hurrying inside the dance studio.

"Morning Bailey," Ms.Ashley said from the front desk when I opened the door.

"Morning," I smiled walking over to her and taking my binder for today and going to me dance room and getting everything set up before my students start showing up.


"Wait up B," someone yelled and I turned slightly before chuckling when I saw who was yelling.

"Harley, Angel, what are you guys doing?" I smiled at them.(Harley is Arizona and Colt's daughter. Angel is Angelica and Tanker's daughter.)

"We were waiting for you," Angel smiled. "Where were you headed?"

"Just going for a walk before my Uncle locks me in the compound," I shrugged taking note of the unmarked van that was slowly moving closer and I suddenly had a very bad feeling. "Although I'm starting to feel like going for a walk is a bad idea."

"Why?" Harley asked just as the van's doors were thrown open and several people jumped and rushed towards us.

"We got trouble. Run," I yelled and we all ran down the sidewalk dodging people. "Harley, Angel go get help."

"What are you going to do?" Harley yelled as we ran through the park.

"They're after me," I said pulling them behind a tree. "Tell Deke that Vincent Pahomeff found me."

"Who?" Angel asked.

"No time to explain," I said panicking when I heard yelling. "Deke will know who you're talking about but you have to hurry. Now go."

"Be careful," they said and I nodded watching them run off before I towards the yelling.

"HEY!" I yelled and they all stopped. "Looking for me?"

"Grab her," one of them yelled and I turning on my heel running off but I didn't get very far before a heavy weight landed on my back causing me to crash into the ground.

"Oomf," I grunted wincing in pain when I was jerked off the ground.

"You are coming with us," the guy that yelled said getting in my face.

"Go to hell," I growled and the guy smirked before covering my nose and mouth with a sickly sweet smelling cloth and started thrashing trying to get away as black dots started appearing across my vision.

"Good girl," someone said and I whimpered as everything faded.

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