Chapter Seven

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I tightened my cape around my neck, and did a twirl. Even though I couldn't see my reflection in the mirror anymore, it was still a habit to look at myself in the mirror. Mavis gave me one of her dresses to wear since I didn't have many clothes with me, and I had found a pair of black tights in my backpack that I had on.

"Are you ready Rachel?" Dracula called cheerfully through the door. "Mavis is almost ready to go down to her birthday party and the dancing started already!"

"Alright, I'm coming!" I said, lacing up my black boots really quick. I opened up the door and smiled at Dracula. His eyes skimmed my body and he smirked.

"Come on, it's time to go my beautiful poison berry," he said, taking my hand.

We glided downstairs together and stepped out into the pool area where the party was already in full swing. Murray came running over he saw us.

"What's going on with you two?" He asked, pointing at our hands. Dracula pulled my hand to his chest and smiled at me.

"I've been given a second Zing," Dracula said. I smiled at him, and Murray squealed at at my fangs.

"A new zing? And he turned you into a vampire?" Murray laughed and pulled Dracula away from me, hugging him tightly. "Man you're lucky, I still haven't found my zing!"

"You'll find your zing soon Murray," I said, taking Dracula back. "Come on, lets go find Mavis and Johnny."

Murray ran off into the crowd and Dracula and I walked around the outside of the party. We found Mavis and Johnny talking to Griffin and Wayne near the stage.

"Hey Johnny," I said, hugging him. He hugged me back. "So, did you and Mavis make up?" I pulled out of the hug and waggled my eyes at him. He rolled his eyes at me. I laughed messed up his already messier hair even further.

"Whoa, you have fangs!" He gasped when I laughed.

I nodded and Mavis looked over. "Dad?" She asked, looking at Dracula. He laughed guiltily and pulled me to his side.

"He's my zing," I said, smiling at Mavis. Her's and Johnny's jaws both dropped, looking at the two of us.

"But I thought that you only get one zing?" Mavis said, raising an eyebrow.

"That's what I thought!" Dracula said. "But I guess you can have another one if your first zing dies."

Murray ran up to us with a bunch of microphones in hand. "Come on, it's time for us to sing!" He exclaimed. He passed one to Johnny and Mavis and tried to hand one to me.

"I can't sing," I said. Johnny looked at me and rolled his eyes. Ok, maybe I lied and I can sing, but I'm not about to sing in front of a bunch of people.

"No no, I'm good," Dracula said, pushing Murray's hand away from him.

They headed up onto the stage and I followed Dracula into the crowd.

"I thought I found a love but she was just a fling..." Johnny sang, standing centre stage.

Dracula held his hand out to me and I took it. He twirled me around to the beat of the song, spinning us around the other monsters.

"Zinging in the air and I don't have a care..."

We stepped onto a flying table and it floated into the air towards the stage.

"...time for celebrating, cause you're my zing!"

We stopped beside the stage and Johnny jogged up to us, holding out a microphone to Dracula.

"Drac, ready to throw down?" He asked.

"No, no, I just came closer to, to hear you better," he lied, looking at the microphone enviously.

"Oh come on, just give it a try!" Johnny whined.

"Alright, maybe just a little," Dracula said. I stepped onto the stage with Johnny while Dracula grabbed the microphone.

"So listen all you zingers from here to Beijing..."

"Whoa," I whispered while Dracula jammed out. Johnny pressed a microphone in my hand.

"I know you read the lyrics Mavis and I wrote for this earlier so you can sing it," Johnny hissed in my ear.

"Wait-Johnny! Get back here!" I hissed as he walked away back to centre stage to sing with Dracula who was having a blast. Mavis walked over with Murray and smiled at me.

"You'll do fine," she whispered.

We stepped out up front and sang, dancing around the stage. Eventually we all lined up on floating tables and flew up into the sky.

Dracula wrapped his arm around my waist as we soared around, fireworks exploding around us. And I felt like the luckiest person in the world.

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