Chptr. 5

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"I'm still alive

Yeah, I'm bleeding but I'm not undone

All this healing is making me strong

I might be fading

But I'm never gone..."

~ Scars on Scars by Martin Luke Brown from the single 'Scars on Scars'



Hades walked towards the Judges with a sigh. "Has he arrived yet?" "About who are we talking?" An old and ancient voice asked. "Perseus Jackson, it has been months. He should have entered the Underworld ages ago." "Well, I'm sorry to tell you that he has not been here yet. Maybe he's still at Charon's?" "No, he should have passed that already. All of this, actually. Where on earth is his soul!" Hades yelled in anger. "Sir, don't be angry at us, we can't help it that one soul is lost." "Not just one soul, Perseus Jackson, hero of Olympus," Hades said with a sigh. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Lord Hades." As Hades started walking away from the table, one question was repeated again and again in his head: Where is Percy?


Will and Nico looked at Thalia who was laying down on a bed, machines hooked on her body, showing what was going on inside of her. The beeping of the heart monitor was constant and so loud in the silence. Bruce Banner was sitting next to them on a chair, trying to understand what exactly was going on. "So, she just stopped talking at some point?" He asked, turning towards the teens standing beside him. "Kind of..." Will answered, still looking at his friend. "We really don't know how to help her, doctor Banner." "I see..."

Steve knocked on the glass door and opened it, "Guys, the pizza is here," He said with a small smile. "Yeah, we're coming," Bruce answered as he looked at the blonde man in the door. Steve closed the door and walked away as Bruce turned back to the teenagers. "I can do some scans tonight and tomorrow if you'd like, to see if I can find something unusual." Will nodded as he looked at Nico who was looking sadly at Thalia. "We want to do anything to get our friend back."


Apollo looked at his sister on the other side of the table, golden cuffs around her wrists, keeping her tied to the chair. After her confession, the gods had taken her into custody, wanting to get to the bottom of all of this. He'd never seen Artemis like this, she just looked defeated and lost. "Brother, why do you even bother visiting if you are only going to sit there and stare?" Artemis asked emotionless with a sigh. "I want to know why you did it," Apollo said with a glare. "Why I did what?" "You know exactly what I am talking about, Artemis, stop acting like an idiot." "Of course I know what you are talking about, brother. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since it happened." Artemis' eyes started filling with tears, sadness filling up her heart, guilt taking over her mind. It hurt. It hurt so much. Apollo looked at his sister in sadness. "But why, Arty? Why?" Artemis looked up, right into the bright blue eyes of her brother. "He was hiding things, Apollo. He had dangerous secrets..." "Like what?" "Nico di Angelo living in his house, Apollo. I saw Hades' son right in front of me."

Apollo's mouth fell open as he looked at his sister in shock. It could not be. The boy was dead... "Percy... He... I came back that evening, wanting to find out what happened..." "Answer me!" Artemis shouted as she walked through the door, into the hallway. "A dead kid, alive and well in that house... I thought there might be something wrong with the gates, Apollo..." It did not take that long before she stood in the opening to the living room, seeing the powerful demigod sitting in the chair, looking at her. "He said he didn't have any clue what I was talking about, but I knew what I had seen, Apollo." "Maybe you are becoming blind in the Land Beyond the Gods." "I was acting like a bitch, as if I was that much better than him..." "You have a lot of nerve talking to me like that, demigod." "What on earth did I expect, Apollo? He wanted to protect his friend, maybe even friends." "It does mean, that you have no power over me, Artemis" "I thought there may be a new war if I didn't find the problem, more death... We wouldn't be able to survive, Apollo." "Because... Because this is different, Percy! You know this! There could be something wrong with Charon! A lot could be wrong..." "I didn't know what to do, he wouldn't cooperate, he didn't say anything. He just wanted me gone... Which is understandable, thinking about it." Apollo stayed silent, listening to his sister's story. He knew she would never do anything out of nothingness... There would be a backstory to this, he felt it. And his feeling was right. "But I needed to put an end to the threat... I've been trying to track the dead demigod after... Y'know. But at some point, the trail just stopped, it dissapeared. I don't know how, what, or anything. But something's up, Apollo. I'm sure of it." "I believe you, Artemis."


"Don't tell anyone about this, Hades," Zeus said with a serious look on his face. "Not until we've found the problem, okay?" "But Zeus, there could be..." "Hades, just find the damn problem, inform me and then we'll inform the rest of the Olympians." "Shouldn't Poseidon know...?" Hades asked with an unsure voice. "Hades, we saw the way he is, yesterday. He can't handle that right now..." Hades nodded. "Okay..."


"Hello, is someone there?"

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