Chptr. 14

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"We made a promise we swore we'd always remember

No retreat baby, no surrender

Like soldiers in the winter's night with a vow to defend

No retreat baby, no surrender..."

~ The acoustic version of No Surrender by Bruce Springsteen from the album 'Greatest Hits'





"Percy, can you hear me?"


"You know, it would be very nice if you woke up."


"Nico, let him rest, he needs his rest."


"I know but he just needs a little pushing, don't ya Perce?"


"Nico, you've been sitting at his bedside for over a day, please eat something."


"I will come in a bit."


"You said the same thing over an hour ago."




"No, you are coming with me." 


Thalia was hitting the punching bag with everything she had. Sweat was dripping down her forehead as her fist touched the bag again. A groan escaped her mouth, her mind went to times of war, loss, death and tragedy. She saw the light of life go out in the eyes of her friends and family. She heard the screams of agony, screams that would be heard at night in her dreams. She felt the long sword again that went through her back and killed her. She felt the pain that had once brought her to a place of peace. "Are you okay?" 

Thalia woke up from her trance and looked up to see Steve standing by the door. "Yes, just... Needed some time alone." The man out of time nodded in response, walking over to her. "Want a new bag?" He asked and Thalia frowned in confusion but once she looked at the punching bag, she got what he said. The thing was ripped apart, only shreds of the thing that once was were hanging down on the chain. She sighed and nodded as she walked over to the little bench against the wall and sat down. "Y'know, you could talk about what is bothering you instead of killing punching bags," Steve said as he started to replace the punching bag. "I can't..." "You can, you just don't." Thalia stood up in anger and walked over to the soldier. "Y 'know, if you want to give me a lecture on trust and that shit, please, do it at another time, not now, this is something above your head, Captain Rogers. Leave me and the secret be instead of sticking your nose in other people's business." Steve clicked the new punching bag to the ceiling and walked over to the door, stopping in the gap and turned around. "If one of my friends is involved, it's my business as well, girl." He turned back and walked away, leaving Thalia alone in the training room. 

The moment he was out of sight Thalia fell down on her knees and tried to stay calm, trying to control her breathing and looked up at the lights. "Oh help..."


"Hill?" Fury asked as agent Hill walked into his office, a disturbed look on her face. "Sir, I think you need to see this, it's the Avengers Tower." She took a silver USB from her pocket and plugged it into the large screen hanging on the wall. "Hill, what is so..." "Sir, please, you know I would not disturb you during these busy hours if it wasn't important." Fury sighed and looked over at the screen where nothing special was seen in the first thirty seconds. There were only a few people walking around in the lobby, calling or talking to one another. But then the whole scenery changed; Suddenly Tony ran into the lobby, a hospital bed beside him with someone in it, three teenagers following him. You could see him shouting, commanding the people in the lobby. Hill paused the screen in the middle of the scene and zoomed in on the face of the person in the bed. "It can't be..." These words escaped Fury's mouth. "Do you think Stark has recreated the T.A.H.I.T.I. formula?" "I don't know, sir... But I think this is the moment to contact the Tower." "You're damn right," Fury responded as he picked up the phone, still looking at the face in front of him. Perseus Jackson


"How the fuck did Fury find out about him?" Natasha asked. Tony was furious, he looked at his nephew and back at Natasha. "I don't fucking know, I think he may have hacked the security footage within the Tower." "Don't you think Jarvis blocked him out of the system?" "Fury has his ways, we know that, Natasha." The redhead nodded as she looked at the boy in the hospital bed. "Do you think he'll ever wake up?" Tony got a small smile on his face and nodded. "Yeah, I do. He's stronger than he looks." "When is Fury coming over?" "He'll be here in half an hour," Tony answered, ending the sentence with a sigh. "What are you going to tell him?" "The truth, I don't know how this could happen, I don't understand it. And that if he'll even dare to touch Percy, I'll make sure he'll be happy with just one eyeball." "Damn Tony, way to be violent." "Says the person who can be a coldhearted bitch at times." "Well, a coldhearted bitch that gets things done, though." 


"What do you think, unicorns or pegasus'?" Apollo asked, his mouth full with the hamburger he was eating. "Apollo, eat, chew and ask then," Artemis said in disgust. They were sitting in a McDonalds in Los Angeles, they knew Percy would probably not be here, but they were just starting here to cross the country from West to East. "Unicorns by the way." "What? Why? Pegasus' can fly!" Apollo said quite loudly, luckily for Artemis, he had already swallowed the food that was in his mouth just seconds before he started to talk. "Unicorns are more magical, Apollo, leave me be." "It's your turn, ask a question." "Apollo, why are we even doing this dumb game?" "To get to know each other a bit better, sister, we've been apart for quite some time." "Well, why would that be?" Artemis asked in a very sarcastic way. "Shush, just ask a question." "Fine, if you had to choose, which demigod would you bring back to life?" "What kind of a question is that?" "A question, now answer, little brother." "Fine..." Apollo said. "Uhm..." He thought, thinking back way back to the now. "I think Percy, I mean, he did save Olympus quite a lot of times and he's the nicest and most loyal kid on the planet. Sorry sis." "Doesn't matter, I would answer the same." "Well, see that! We're finding things we have in common!" "Apollo, please..." "This is true teambuilding!" Artemis facepalmed and took another bite of her hamburger. 

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