Chptr. 21

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"You're the voice

Try and understand it

Make a noise and make it clear


We're not gonna sit in silence

We're not gonna live with fear..."

~ You're The Voice by John Farnham from the album 'Whispering Jack'

(The song is up above! You can find the entire album on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, etc.)



"Couldn't you guys like... quit?" Clint asked but immediately regretted it as he saw Natasha facepalming. "Do you think you can just quit being a demigod?" Thalia asked sarcastically. "Well, I..." "The answer is no, Birdbrain," Thalia interrupted before he could continue. "You can't just quit being someone's kid." "What kept you guys going?" Steve asked, looking at every demigod, one by one. "We kept each other going," Will answered. "You have to imagine, we are one big family, you care about each other. You want to protect each other... But because the Olympians don't really... bond with their children, some of the demigods switch to the side of the enemy..." "Why wouldn't they have a relationship with their children?" Tony asked with a frown on his face. "Ancient Law," Nico answered for Will. "They can't just be in our lives..." "Well, you and your dad get along just fine," Thalia said to Nico. "I know but that's only because he has his own world and stuff." "What are your godly parents like?" Tony asked. "Mine is Apollo and well... We kind of get along," Will answered first. Thinking about his dad made him a bit sick, as he had just been here. "So the guy who just wanted to take Percy away, is your dad?" Tony asked. "Yes." Tony nodded at the answer. "The only reason I saw my dad at all was because of the wars where he would sometimes help out in the infirmary... The demigods who were on the verge of dying and couldn't be saved by me or my brothers and sisters were sometimes helped out by my dad." "I thought that was just a rumor," Thalia said, turning herself towards Will. "Well, it's true..."

"Who are your godly parents?" Natasha asked. "Mine is Hades, Thalia's dad is Zeus," Nico answered, sitting back in his chair. They had been talking about this topic for hours and by now, he was just tired. Thinking about the past for hours was taking its toll on him. "Your dad is the king of Olympus?" Bruce Banner asked in shock, as he looked at Thalia. "Yes, he is, got a problem?" "Not at all!" Bruce immediately responded.  "Thalia, don't act that way, you know he didn't mean it that way," Nico said with a bored voice. By now, he could just fall asleep, right in this chair. "I know that, Nico. I'm just trying to keep my brain going," Thalia said as she laid her head on the table. 

"Maybe, we need to call it a day, it's quite late anyway," Steve said as he yawned. "That's so far, the best line we've heard so far..."


"What do you think, Nico?" Will asked, looking up at the ceiling as they were laying in their bed. Nico on the other side with his back towards Will. "What do you mean?" Nico asked sleepily, already having his eyes closed. "Y'know, how all of this will end? Will we find our peace? Will there be another war? Will Artemis and Apollo come back?" "Will, why are you suddenly asking so many questions?" "I'm just stating all the questions all the readers have been asking themselves," Will answered with a smile. "What readers, Will?" "The ones on that website." "Will, I swear to all of the Olympians that if you are not going to shut up and sleep right now, I will make you go to sleep." "How? How are you going to get me to sleep?" "I bet you know, you asshole," Nico said, a small smile appearing on his face. "I think, does it have anything to do with what we did in that small security room?" "Yup." "Well then, maybe I'm just not going to sleep, just so..." "Come here, you stupid fucking sunshine." 


Thalia stared up at the ceiling, thinking about all of the things that had happened today. She had acted on impulse, not listening to her brain. She should have stayed hidden... She should not have let herself be seen by the Olympians. "It was a horrible idea," She said to herself as she turned to her left side. Suddenly she heard sounds coming from the room next door. "Oh gods, Nico and Will... For Hades' sake..." She stood up and walked over to her door, opening it and walked not too far towards the door next to hers. She loudly banged on the door and shouted, "Nico and Will, I'm coming in right now, I don't care what I am going to see, but if you guys don't stop now, I will electrocute you all the way to the deepest pits of fucking Tartarus!" 

Thalia opened the door and what she saw made her mouth fall open in shock. There were Will and Nico watching... a television series? "Why on earth are you making all that noise!" "Because something's wrong with Sherlock, Thalia! He's obviously not fine!" Will shouted while tears were flowing like rivers from his cheeks. "See what you have done, Thalia!" Nico said as he wrapped his arms around Will. "Nico, don't do this, it's really late, I want to sleep! I suddenly heard loud noises coming from here, so I thought..." "What did you think?" Will asked, calming down. "I thought... y'know... That you guys were... y'know," Thalia said awkwardly, trying to stay cool in the situation. "What on earth are you talking about? We were just watching our favourite series!" Nico answered in a way he sounded very hurt. "Y'know what, I'm just going to leave and you guys do whatever the Tartarus you want to do, okay? Even if it means making sounds and all," Thalia said quickly. She was tired, she wanted to sleep, she was just going to put something in her ears or something. "Good night, guys!" She said as happily as she could as she quickly backed out of the room, closed it and went to her own room.

"You sneaky little..." Will said with a cheeky grin on his face. "How did you know that was going to work?" "I know her, now, come here!" 

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