Chapter 2

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Your highness." a voice said from the tall and highly decorated entrance doors. Queen Alison turned her attention from looking out of the balcony doors that led to her beautiful kingdom, to the man that now was now walking along the red velvet carpet to Alison's throne, raised up on steps. He dropped to one knee when he reached the foot of the marble steps and bowed low to the queen.

Alison, who kept her signature powerful expressionless face, looked down at the man who although was much bigger than her, he feared her like everyone else. She shifted in her throne. It's tall back was layered in fine cushions, and the golden frame was decorated with jewels.

"Speak." she commanded. Her voice sounded like thunder and echoed in the throne room. The two masked and strong guards who were stationed at a respectable distance on either side of her, flinched.

"We found you a new personal assistant." the man said, straightening up.

Alison raised an eyebrow and straightened up even more in her high throne. She ran two fingers through a lock of her blonde hair and let it fall back to her shoulder. She adjusted her crown which was elegantly shaped. Gold and silver came together, to make a unique yet very pointy, crown that Alison always wore. She placed both arms on the armrests of her throne and looked down at the man again.

"Bring her in." Alison commanded again, waiting for her new personal assistant to be pulled in. The man nodded and quickly exited the throne room, returning shortly with a girl walking behind him. Alison's nose crinkled at the smell of sweat and dirt, obviously from the girl.

"Details." Ali said as the girl kept her hair low and covering her face.

"Her name is Emily Fields and she is eighteen... She was going to be married to a man named Ben Coogan. But since you wanted an assistant at any cost, we pulled her away from her dreary peasant life before she was married." the man said.

"Look up at me." Alison commanded to the girl. Emily looked up at Queen Alison's icy blue eyes, giving her a look as if she was reading Emily's life story. Alison had to admit that Emily was pretty even though she was covered in dirt. Once she got washed up, she could be beautiful. But for now her hair was tangled and she smelt bad and was filthy. No personal assistant of Alison's would serve her in that state.

"Take her to the baths and make her bathe. Get her some silk deep purple clothes, purple would suit her best. After that, have the prep team do something about her hair." Alison commanded. She then turned her stare to Emily. "What's wrong with you? Are you mute?"

"N-no." Emily stuttered.

"Good." Alison said. She looked from her new assistant to the man. "Are you taking her or are you just going to stand there?" she snapped, her voice rising.

The man jumped and once he regained his footing he grabbed Emily by the arm and pulled her out of the throne room. Alison scoffed once the doors closed, "Now it smells in here." she said, rolling her eyes and getting up from her throne. Her dress was covered by a maroon royal robe with white fur on the shoulders, which was clasped around her neck and it flowed to the ground as she walked out of the throne room. As she approached the door, the two masked guards stationed at the door, opened the tall double doors that lead to the long hallway in the castle.

Alison walked quickly towards her room, wanting to avoid her political assistant. She had no intention of hearing how her parents wrote in their will that she was to marry Prince Noel Kahn of Ravenswood, she wanted none of it. She had met Prince Noel before, at her fourteenth birthday. Prince Noel was cute enough, and nice enough, but he lacked something that Queen Alison had been searching for forever. Someone unique. All her life she had to deal with the same suitors. Princes with pretty faces and flashy teeth, some nicer than others, but all put up no fight if she showed some interest in them. Alison wanted someone who wouldn't just melt in her hand like putty, or dropped to kiss her feet whenever she looked at was very frustrating for her. There was no challenge, and Alison only wanted a challenge these days.

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