Chapter 10

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Alison remained thoroughly angry at Hanna, but was able to keep her angry retorts to a bare minimum until she could get her hands on Emily alone. All the anger soon went away once Emily had a red mark on her collarbone, given to her by none other than Alison herself. Satisfied with what she did, Alison was left smirking at Emily whenever Alison glanced her way. Emily was just happy that her dress was covering the red mark Alison gave her, praying that none of the girls would notice.

The whole time during dinner, the girls ate salmon and drank fine wine while they chatted to each other. Alison, as usual, kept glancing at Emily often, worried now about Emily's reaction to what Alison gave her before dinner. They had never done anything more than making out, which was fine with Alison. But now Allison wanted to take things further, she was sure of it. Should spent quite a lot of time thinking about it. But what if Emily didn't want the same?

When Alison looked at Emily once more, she saw her in a conversation with Hanna. Hanna was asking Emily questions about boys, since Emily failed to mention any boys in her story before.

"Come on Emily, a girl as pretty as you HAD to have had a guy in the picture before you came here." Hanna said, pressuring Emily. Alison watched the scene unfold, not tearing her eyes away from Emily, who was growing pink faced. Alison felt heat rise to her cheeks once again, Aria and Spencer seemed to turn their attention to Emily once again. Alison knew Emily would become nervous with all the eyes on her, and she was right when Emily began to look nervously around at them.

"Well there was a guy named Ben, we were supposed to get married, but I came to the castle to serve Alison." Emily explained.

"Oh! Was he cute? I bet he was!" Hanna said. She turned to Alison and frowned, "Why did you take her from Ben? You've broken up love!"

"Actua-" Emily began, but Alison cut her off.

"They aren't in love Hanna!" Alison yelled, her voice echoing and making the glasses shake. "Ben was a vile person who didn't deserve Emily."

All the girls eyebrows were raised in shock at Alison's outburst. She looked around at them with their mouths hanging open.

"Well that escalated quickly." Hanna said, breaking the silence.

On the night of the masquerade ball, ships everywhere were arriving at the harbor, different kings, queens, princes, princesses, and anyone who was important, arrived at the harbor. People entered the castle with masks covering their faces, walking towards the ballroom. The ballroom had tables on the side and lively dance music was playing for the guests to dance to. There was food and many helpers that walked around in Rosewood's uniform.

As the guests arrived, Alison was up in her room, adjusting her mask in the mirror. Her mask was gold and decorated with twists of silver. It covered the upper half of her face, but it was still obvious that it was Alison behind the gold mask. Her pale yellow dresses flowed ever so perfectly, matching the gold mask. Alison wasn't allowed to see Emily, Hanna had taken her to her guest bedroom to help her get ready. This left Spencer and Aria to get ready with her. Aria had a royal blue dress with a black mask that covered the left side of her face. As for Spencer, she had a blood red dress with her white mask. All three girls were no doubt utterly stunning.

The three of them left Alison's room and made their way down the marble staircase to the front entrance. The guests who were chatting at the entrance before going to the ballroom, all turned their attention to the girls as they walked down the stairs. The noise quieted, leaving only hushed whispers to fill the entrance. Alison was used to this, but her confidence boosted as she smirked at her admirers. Aria and Spencer, on either side were looking at the crowd as well. The noise began to pick back up again and more people began chatting again.

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