Chapter 8

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When they arrived at the island, Noel threw an anchor down into the water from the bow of the boat. They were about ten feet away from the shore, Alison was surprised that the boat hadn't hit the sand.

"You may want to take your shoes off." Noel said, kicking off his own shoes and rolling up his pants to his knees. After doing so, he stood up and jumped over the side of the sailboat. Alison, shocked at what Noel did, ran to the edge and looked down. Noel was standing with the water up to his thighs, getting his pants wet.

"There's no way that I'm getting wet, I'll stay up here." Alison said, looking down at Noel.

"Jump! I'll carry you to shore!" Noel said, holding out his arms.

"Are you crazy?" Alison asked, she honestly did think Noel was insane.

"I'll catch you! Don't worry! Just jump!" Noel said, smiling.

"Fine. But get ready." Alison said. She sat back down on the boat and kicked off her shoes, thinking if she could try to distract herself from Emily by being with Noel. Once her shoes were off, she leaned back over the railing to see Noel dip the top of his head in the water. He looked back up at Alison, his wet hair getting in his eyes and the droplets ran down his face.

"Ready?" he asked, running a hand through his hair. It sat on top of his head, shiny and curly from the water. Alison nodded and Noel prepared himself by placing one foot firmly behind him and held out his arms. Alison jumped from the rail and fell down to Noel who caught her just like he said.

Alison was being held bridal style in Noel's arms and he was laughing, staring at Alison with his blue eyes. "That wasn't that bad was it?" he asked as he carried her towards the shore of the island.

Noel didn't say anything as he carried her, the only thing that could be heard was seagulls and the sound of moving water as Noel trekked through it. On the beach of the island, Noel set Alison down with her feet on the squishy sand. Alison looked around the island, it was fairly empty. There were few trees and one giant rock in the center. It was simple, and she couldn't see how this had any significance to Noel. She went along with what Noel was doing as he led her towards the large rock.

Noel climbed to the top of the rock and helped Alison sit down next to him. Curious at what Noel was up to, she looked out at the sailboat and then at the direction that Rosewood was.

"Ravenswood is right over there." Noel said, pointing to the left. Alison leaned forward and could see the tiny speck of Ravenswood. She had been there a few times before, once for Noel's birthday and another time because her father promised the King of Ravenswood that he would attend The Raven's Ball. Alison hated The Raven's Ball, she was almost forced to wear a purple dress instead of the yellow one she loved. Her mother had told her that it was "too revealing" but Alison even at twelve, always got her way. She held her breath until her mom gave in and let Alison wear the yellow one. That was when every Prince at the party asked her to dance, and every Princess glared at her in jealously. Of course she was forced to dance with Noel.

"Alison?" Noel asked, waving his hand in front of her face.

"W-what?" Alison said, blinking quickly and shaking her head.

"I said, 'Do you remember Ravenswood?'" Noel asked.

"How could I forget." Alison said, staring at the kingdom.

"So there's a reason why I brought you here." Noel said, looking at Alison.

"Oh?" Alison asked, not knowing what else to say.

Noel nodded, "This is where my parents had their first kiss when they were engaged. That's why the people of Ravenswood call it the Kissing Rock-"

"I'm not going to kiss you Noel, if that's the whole reason why you brought me out here." Alison said, rolling her eyes. Did all guys just want to kiss her?

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