Chapter 12

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Suck in please."

"God why does this feel so tight?"

"Hang on, your highness. We just need your last measurements for your waist."

"We still have to do everything else?"

"I'm afraid so."

Alison was in her room, getting her wedding dress fit by Ravenswood's best tailor. Much to her disliking, Alison's wedding was approaching rather quickly. The leaves turning brought a reminder to Alison that the date was quickly approaching, October 25th. Already the castle began stirring, preparing for Noel's arrival. Even though it was late September, Alison already got a glimpse of his crown, the one that he would wear everywhere once he became king. Alison didn't want to share her power of Rosewood, at least not with Noel. His crown happened to strongly resemble hers, and she didn't like that either.

As for Emily, she had gotten far in her lessons with reading and writing. She wasn't perfect, but she wasn't terrible either. They spent an hour a day reading and writing. Emily had just started reading a chapter book (with the help of Alison of course) and she was doing surprisingly well. Of course, Emily probably wouldn't have gotten as far in her lessons had Alison not rewarded her with some "fun" following them.

Emily hadn't come to Alison's dress fitting and Alison had a sinking feeling that it was because she didn't want to come to terms with the fact that Alison was getting married. Alison's number one priority after getting her dress fitted was to find Emily, wherever she may be.

Alison's patience grew thinner and thinner as she was fitted. Her dress was beautiful, but Alison hated it. She would've loved it, had she been getting married to someone else and not Noel.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Emily entered, holding a book that looked very old and very dusty.

"Excuse me. No other guests allowed while I pin up Queen Alison." the tailor said, she seemed rather annoyed with Emily's presence.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I'll come back at another time-"

"She can stay." Alison said sternly. Alison turned to Emily and nodded at the item in her hands. "What do you have there?"

"I'll tell you later, but I think it might have the answers to your problems." Emily said, smiling wide. "I only could pick out some of the words though, so I may be wrong."

"Hang on I'll be done soon."

"Find me in the library."

Emily heaved the dusty old book away and out of Alison's bedroom, leaving Alison and Ravenswood's tailor alone for her dress to be fit.

"Emily what is it?" Alison asked, peeking her head around the corner of the bookcases. Emily was sitting on the ground with the dusty old book propped open between her legs.

"Sit down." Emily said excitedly.

"A queen doesn't sit on the floor." Alison said, looking disgustedly at the floor.

"Just sit." Emily said.

Alison sighed and sat down next to Emily, snuggling up next to her as Emily pointed to the page she was reading. On the page, there was a colorful picture of what seemed to be a castle. On the next picture, there was a drawing of someone of royalty. She looked similar to Alison, with golden blonde hair, but the crown atop her head was different.

"Queen Lauren Seville ruled Rosewood without a king, but instead a second queen, Queen Olivia Reinheart. Both queens lead the kingdom through dark times, bringing Rosewood to light." Alison read. She looked up from the text and turned to Emily, "You could read this?"

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