Chapter 11

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When Alison awoke the following morning, she sighed happily at the feeling of warm arms wrapped protectively around her. There was soft breathing in her ear, the breaths were even and peaceful. Alison looked out her window, the blue sky and trees with their leaves turning was a very beautiful sight. It must've not been that early, but Alison knew she would have to get up at some point to say goodbye to the guests in her castle. She turned in bed so that she faced Emily, gently kissing her until she awoke. Emily's eyes fluttered opened and she smiled slightly down at Alison.

"Good morning." Alison said, smiling up at Emily.

"It's morning already? I'm still exhausted." Emily said, closing her eyes again.

"Well the ball went on until after midnight and we were up for probably two hours after that. Plus you tired yourself out with all that-"

"Shhh. I'm sleeping." Emily said, placing a finger to her lips, but Alison could see the tug of a smile.

"I know what will get you up." Alison said smirking. She pushed back the covers and climbed on top of Emily, feeling the cool air on her back. The covers started at her lower back, keeping her legs warm. She pushed the hair away from Emily's neck and leaned down, kissing her behind the ear and down her neck. Emily began squirming, biting down on her lip to keep from making a noise.

"Hey Alison, the guests are going to be leaving so-" The door to Alison's room suddenly and someone came in, totally catching both girls off guard. "Woah."

Alison's head snapped up and turned to the intruder. There was much scrambling as Alison jumped off of Emily and to the other side of the bed. Emily pulled the covers to her chin to cover her private areas. Alison did the same, the cover ending under her armpits.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Alison yelled, furious and embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I thought you would be up already!" Hanna said, her hands covered her face, shielding her eyes.

"You can take your hands off Hanna we are under the cover." Alison said, rolling her eyes. Alison glanced at Emily, who was beet red and looking at her hands.

"What exactly is going on in here?" Hanna asked, removing her hands and staring bewildered at the two of them. "You're marrying Noel!"

"I know Hanna! But you know I never liked him like that. I've known him since I was little and not one time had I thought of him as more than a friend." Alison explained.

"I can't believe this whole time you are supposed to be getting married to Noel, you've been having an affair with Emily?" Hanna said, a bewildered expression spread across her face.

"It's not an affair! We aren't married!" Alison protested.

"Oh but you will be! And what happens then? It will be an affair still." Hanna explained.

"Oh just shut up!" Alison said, rolling her eyes. "You don't know the half of it Hanna. Prince Noel was forced upon me, I didn't want to marry him. Emily is the first person that I've had feelings for."

"Look, I don't want you hurting Emily's feelings. She's a wonderful person." Hanna said, crossing her arms. "If this is how you want to live your life, how am I to stop you?"

"What makes you think I'll break her heart?"

"Oh Alison, have you forgotten? You are The Killer Queen you know."

With that, Hanna exited the room before Alison could tell her not to tell anyone. She looked open mouthed at Emily, who was hiding under the covers. She tugged at the covers to reveal Emily, red faced and embarrassed, utterly gorgeous with the lack of clothes.

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