Chapter 43

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Thank you so much for loving my story and giving me your amazing feedback. Thank you for taking the time out from your life and investing some of it in Laila. Please keep on showing your love by voting, commenting and sharing this story! xoxo 

P.s. I will be posting a playlist inspired by this book very soon so stay tuned for that as well.


The entire house suddenly got quiet when Farida and his father left. My mother didn't spill a single word but her actions said a thousand words. I wanted to talk to her but I just couldn't.

'You should go and rest' She said after a while. We were still in the living and pretending to watch TV.

'Okay' I got up from the sofa and left the room. My mind was so cluttered that I didn't even realize I missed one step while going up to my room. I fell hard on my back and Ammi came rushing over to see if I was okay.

'Laila, Ya Allah. What am I going to do with you? Why do you have to be so clumsy' Instead of consoling me, she hit my arm instead to yell at me even more.

'Be careful okay' She then patted my head and I walked upstairs to my room, carefully this time.

I was finally catching my breath somewhat peacefully when minutes later my phone started going on and when I checked my phone, I saw Farid's name displaying on the screen. I debated whether or not to pick up his call. What did he want to talk about now, I wondered? Carefully, I pressed the answer button and brought the phone to my ear.

'Hello' I said.

'Hey' His voice sounded huskier. Was he sick?

'Are you okay?' I asked.


'I am okay, just tired.' I replied and just then my mother invaded into my room.

'Here put use this balm and eat a painkiller...oh...who is it?' My mother was becoming overly protective of me.

'Farid' I mouthed and she rolled her eyes and shut the door.

'What happened?' He asked right away.

'Oh nothing, I just fell' Why was I feeling so shy to talk to him? I touched my cheeks and they were so warm. Either the heater was on high temperature or there was something extremely wrong with me.

'How? Does it hurt? Do you need anything?' He rushed.

'No...No, I don't need anything. I was just going up the stairs and I missed a step that's all' I explained.

'Oh...does it hurt a lot?'

'No it doesn't' I smiled at his question.

'Farid, why did you do all of this?' I asked directly ...I needed to know what was going on in his head.

'I am coming over' He said abruptly.

'No please don't Farid...please Ammi will kill me'

'And not being able to see you is killing me' He confessed.

'Farid...' Why was making me feel this way over and over again ?

'I can't function without you, Laila' His voice got heavier, was he crying? 

'Farid I...'

'Shhh, just listen to me. Open the window' He ordered and my eyes snapped open.

'Farid...what are you...'

'Just open the window, I am climbing up' I heard him.

I ran towards the window and as soon as I opened the window I saw him hanging by the pipe. Was I imagining things?

'Give me your hand' He said and I quickly put the phone away and took his hands into mine and he jumped into my room smoothly. Farid was still wearing the same clothes that I saw him in earlier, pair of dark denim jeans and a gray shirt.

' shouldn't be here...what if...' He stopped me from saying another word and placed his hands on my shoulders.

'Let's stop with the what ifs Laila, lets start with the what is' His cocky response left me speechless, he grinned and took me in his arms.

'I can finally breathe' He whispered against my ears and I hugged him tighter.

He then grabbed my hand and walked me over to my bed where we sat down.

I just didn't want to get caught again, especially by Ammi.

'She's not going to see us, I will leave as soon as I finish what I came here to say' He smiled and stared at our tangled fingers.

'Lets hear it then' I requested.

'Do you remember the first time we met, how I took your phone, then the scene I caused at the parking lot where I made you cry, then during the tutoring sessions...I troubled you so much and now this. For my own selfishness, I blackmailed you into marrying me.' Why was he saying all of this to me now?


'Shh, what did I tell you...just listen to what I have to say...' He looked back at me and I nodded.

'Even though I did all of this to you, you still stayed by my side. When you said you love me, that's exactly what I thought about...I thought about my anger, my selfishness, my arrogance...and I thought about you...your kindness, your faith, your love... I couldn't dare to love someone as good as you' His breathing got faster and I secured his hands in mine tighter.

'Farid, whatever's in our past. We can't change that.' I tried to calm the storm that was going on in his mind.

'I know, that's why it's very important for me to tell you how sorry I am. I won't be able to move forward without saying it...Laila, I am really sorry...I wish there was a word that would explain how bad I feel about the things you had to go through because of me. For every single time, you cried or felt even slightly hurt...I am sorry about it.' He looked so heartbroken.

'Farid, you don't have to apologize. I know you are sorry; I knew it when you supported me in front of my mother. You don't have to say sorry' I placed my hand on his shoulders and pressed my head to his.

'If you know so much then why did you leave me? If you know me so well, then why didn't you figure out that I am madly in love with you?' His eyes were closed when he said those words, I felt like my heart stopped beating and it was going to explode any second.

'I know that too, stupid' I smiled as tears rolled down my cheeks and his eyes opened.

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