Chapter 50 (Last)

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This is it! Thank you, everyone for reading my story...I had so much fun writing it and I am going to miss writing about Laila and Farid lol, even though they were fictional characters, I tried to add some characteristics and personality traits in them from the people who are in my life. So yeah...thanks again. And don't forget to vote and comment! xoxo


                                              >>>>>>1 and a half year later!<<<<<<

'Bye Mrs.Rafay, thanks for the treat' I teased my best friend Sobia as I got off from her car. She and Rafay got married a year ago and both of them are still madly in love as they were when they first met. That made me extremely happy. Rafay started his own consulting firm and Sobia took over her mother's cafe. 

'Congrats on your graduation again love, I still can't believe it...I am so proud of you' She yelled out from her window. After the graduation ceremony, Sobia insisted on taking me out for a treat so Farid left directly from the ceremony and drove my mother and my brother home. Everything happened so fast, honestly, I felt like these two years went by in a blur. I was twenty years old married women. I married the love of my life. Graduated with distinction. Got a cat named Bubbles. Became an advisory board of director in my city youth council. So much happened in the last two years.

Sobia honked her car and I realised I was still standing in a parking lot. I waved at Sobia again and went inside my house.

I was expecting to see Farid in the living room or sun room but he wasn't there. I saw his car in the parking so I knew he was here but where was he? I placed took off my jacket and went to our room and he was still not there. Maybe he went out with his friends I thought. I changed into a comfortable pair of black jeggings and pink and black polka dot jumper and put my hair into a bun.

I laid down on our bed and played some piano instrumental on my phone and put my headphones to relax. The slow and melodious sounds instantly made my close my eyes.

After some time, I felt my bed move. I knew he was here.

'Where were you?' I asked while keeping my eyes closed.

'How did you it was me? Your eyes were closed the entire could have been our cat?' He took my headphones out and rested his head on my lap, like a baby. He was still in his suit from the graduation ceremony.

'First of all. You are a lot heavier than Bubbles and second I don't need to see you, I just know when it's you' I played with this hair. He smiled.

'So what now miss scholar? What's next on your list?' He closed his eyes and asked.

'Well, I am going to look for an internship and you are going to law school this fall' He still had two months to go. 

'Oh... well I thought this was on your list...' He opened his jacket and took out an envelope. I opened it up and saw two tickets to Iceland.

'Farid...when did you plan this? Is it a joke? Are we really going?' I shook him up and he got up from my lap to look at me.

'Ey ey one question at a time...first of all I planned it weeks ago, second, no it's not a joke, and to answer your last question, yes, of course, we are's your graduation present' He kissed me quickly.

'Omg...that's so cool...thank you thank you ...I really wanted to go somewhere after's going to be so much fun...' I clapped my hands together and he pulled me towards him for a cuddle.

'You liked the present?' He asked.

'I love it so much. Thank you...but I didn't get you anything for your graduation.' I felt guilty.

'You are crazy you know that? You have given me the so much happiness for the last two years that no matter what I give you, it would still not be not only brought joy into my life but you somehow managed to fix my broken relationship with my family...something that I could never do on my own. After my mother died, I didn't know if I'll ever have a good stable life...but you have given me way more than that. You are my power, you silly don't ever say you don't have anything to give me cause I have you and that's more than enough' He kissed my forehead. 

'I am still going to get you something' I said and he rolled his eyes and I giggled.

'You might wanna start packing...We are leaving tomorrow' He said casually and I jumped up.

'Tomorrow as in within 24 hours?' I asked, he better be kidding. I was so excited, I didn't even check the date on the tickets. It's not like I was going to go see my mother, I was going to a whole new country and I only had 24 hours to pack.

'That's what tomorrow means in Oxford isn't?' He sarcastically said and I threw a cushion at him.

'Jerk' I yelled as I jogged towards our guest room to fetch our carry on bags.

'I love you too' I heard him say as he and Bubbles followed me upstairs. 

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