Chapter 47

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* Laila's wedding dress (picture posted above)* 

Please please vote and comment you guys! <3 The wedding is finally happening...xoxo


The next two days passed by in the blink of an eye. When I woke up this morning, I couldn't believe it. It was my wedding day. My official wedding day to be exact. I stayed in the bed for couple of extra minutes and stared in my room that was starting to feel foreign to me for some reason. I didn't realize that I was smiling until I heard someone giggling by the door when I looked I saw Sobia giggling at me. I got embarrassed.

'I was just...I had a good night sleep so I am happy about that...' I excused myself so I don't embarrass myself any further. I really needed to get a grip over myself and stop daydreaming.

'Ahan sure you did...' She smirked and walked up to my bed.

'What time is it?' I asked.

'Eleven thirty' As soon as she told me the time, I got up and ran into the washroom to get going. It felt like I wasted half of my day.

'I have never slept in that late, you should have woken me up' I shouted over.

'Its your wedding Laila, give yourself some break...Breakfast is ready, I'll see you downstairs' She shouted back and went downstairs.

Once I got dressed and went downstairs, I felt as if I have stepped into someone else's house. There was so much stuff everywhere.

'What is going on here?' I said in a high voice so everyone could look at me.

'It's a wedding house, what do you expect?' Rafay laughed as he passed on the box of decoration stuff to one of his friends to put in his car.

'It's so messy' I placed my hand on my forehead taking it all in.

'Go eat something, we don't want you to faint...especially today' Sobia ordered me and I followed her direction.

'Who are all these people?' I asked my mother when I noticed few people in a uniform, they looked like from some event company, but who called them here?

'Farid Bhai sent these people to help us out' My brother answered my question.

'Oh' I should have known. My mother handed me the plate and I started eating my favorite blueberry pancakes.

'So good' I complimented my mother and she left the kitchen to join the madness that was going on in the living room.

I was about to call Farid when I saw his name flashing on my phone screen.

'I was just about to call you' I smiled as I answered his call.

'I're okay right?' He asked. Why was he asking me this?

'Yes, I am more than everything okay?' I was starting to get worried.

'I never really asked you properly...I always forced my decisions on you...' Why was he beating around the bush?

'Asked me what?' I was confused.

'I never asked you to marry me...' He finally said. Was he having wedding jitters or was he just nervous?

'Then ask me now...' I simply replied.

'Ms. Laila Barakat...will you marry me?' I heard him say.

'Yes to the square of infinity' I said without wasting any second.

'I am glad you said yes, it would have been really awkward if you said no' He chuckled.

'I don't regret any time that I have spent with you, instead I have lived the fullest in those moments Farid' I confessed, something that I should have told him a long time ago.

He didn't say anything and I felt bad for putting him on spot. He wasn't the type of guy who carried his emotions in the palms of his hands.

'Anyways, I wanted to call you to remind you to come to the banquet hall on time...Don't make me wait for you...especially today' I teased him.

'I will be fact, I will be the one waiting for you at the altar.' He finally said.

I smiled at his words.

'See you soon' He said goodbye and we ended the call.

'Just couple more hours to go' Sobia joined me at the dining table and helped me finished off my pancakes.

'How did this happen?' I looked down at my engagement ring and asked.

'What? Wedding?' Sobia asked me, although she was more focused on the pancakes.

'No...just everything I guess ...' I answered and went to the living room to witness my wedding shenanigans.

More people started to come in and the house started to feel smaller and smaller. Once everyone finished packing and some of the families left to get ready in their home, that's when I realized it was already 5 pm and I had exactly 3 hours to get ready and get to the hall.

'Okay, it looks like everything is in control. The girls who are doing your makeup and hair are here...go upstairs and get ready...I'll take of everything' Sobia grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to hand me over to the girls to transform me.

It took the hair and make-up girl about two hours to finish with me. Once everything was done and they finally turned my chair around to reveal my wedding look, I was completely lost of words. I felt beautiful in my red and white wedding dress. The veil covered my head just right and the makeup looked simple and elegant. The jewelry was minimalistic but the embroidery and jewel work on the wedding dress was breathtaking. Sobia picked this dress out for me and got it custom stitched in two days. She was a magician.

'Masha Allah' I heard my mother come into the room.

'What do you think? Will he like it?' I asked my mother.

'He will love it, you look like a princess my dear' She cupped my face in her hands and kissed my forehead.

'Your carriage is here, your majesty' Rafay bowed down and delivered a line that made me chuckle.

'Never a dull moment with this fool' Sobia joined us in my room and rolled her eyes at Rafay. Everyone looked amazing. Rafay and Sobia were color coordinating in stylish black outfits and both of them looked amazing. My brother was wearing a black tux and my mother was wearing a pastel purple sari.

'Just don't let me fall okay you guys; this dress is quite heavy' I joked.

'Don't worry we got you' Sobia held my hand and led me to the car that was waiting for me to take me to my wedding.

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