Prologue: Peripeteia

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a sudden reversal of fortune or change in circumstances.

14 years ago

"Daddy, can we get Mcdonalds? I want a happy meal and toy." I beg.

"Okay, we can go after I finish getting the rest of the groceries." He caves in after debating for a few seconds in his head.

"Yay!" Honestly I love getting the toy more than the meal itself. I was starting to get bored walking through Walmart's aisles and picking up food ingredients and other stuff we needed. It's so boring. Luckily this one has a Mcdonalds in it.

After ordering and receiving my happy meal, we quickly make our way to the almost empty parking lot with our cart.

On the way there I open my box and see that I recieved the same stuffed bunny toy I got last week. I mentally sigh.

"What's wrong? You look upset." Daddy looks down at me while still pushing the full cart.

"I got the same toy from last time...." I mumble.

"Hmm. How about we go to the Mcdonalds near the house tomorrow? I'll make sure you get a different one."


"Yes, nothing will stop us from getting a new toy. So no need to be sad okay?" He tries to cheer me up.

"Okay!" I smile at him and agree with our plan.

I look up and notice how the bright full moon and countless stars contrast against the dark sky. It looks beautiful.

"C'mon Amelia, get in the truck sweetie." Dad motions to the back seat after he unloads the groceries.

"-kay." I answer still distracted by the night sky. He helps me get in the seat and buckles my seatbelt for me.

Halfway there I slowly re-open the box and start secretly munching on my french fries. I love them fresh. If you wait to long they start to taste weird.

"Amelia, you're supposed to wait until we get home." Daddy chuckles from the drivers seat.

Oops, well he already caught me.

"Sorry. I was hungry." I apologize.

"Alright, just don't drop any on the floor. Remember last time when you made a mess with the m&ms. I still find them all over the truck."

Just as he says that, I accidently drop a fry on the floor. Uh-oh. I'm about to kick it under the car mat to hide it when I hear dad honk the horn repeatedly.

Suddenly the truck is flipping over and glass is getting everywhere.

"Daddy! What's happening?!" I yell frantic.

When the truck stops rolling, it lands on its side. I call him again but there's no answer.

All I see is blood.

"Help! Daddy's hurt!" I unbuckle my belt from the backseat and try to get where he's at. I call his name over and over but he doesn't respond.

I remember him telling me about calling the number 911 for serious emergencies. They also taught me that at school. I start looking around but can't find his cell phone. Where is it? I decide to just stay where I am so he won't be alone.

It feels like we've been here forever when suddenly I hear ambulance sirens. Or is it cop sirens? Wait, that's good. That means nice people are coming to help us.

"Daddy, help is coming okay?" Why isn't he answering me?

I hear more sirens so all is going to be fine.

"We are going to be okay." I tell him even though I don't think he can hear me. Did he fall asleep?

I look up and see a man in a police uniform holding a flashlight on top of the truck.

"Hi, I'm officer Reynolds. I'm here to help, give me your hand so I can get you out."

"Then you'll help daddy?" I ask him. I don't want him to be left all alone.

"Yes honey, we need to get you out of there quickly."

He helps me get out and another police man aproaches the truck and helps Officer Reynolds get my dad out.

The other puts his fingers near dads throat and talks into his small walkie talkie. "We have one young child and a D.O.A male on the scene."

"How old are you sweetie?" I hear one of them ask me.

"Seven." I answer distracted by everything happening around me.

"Whats D.O.A?" I ask them and they look at each other before turning to me.

"Is he okay?" I run to where dad's at and he's still not moving.

"Daddy! Wake up!" I tell him. Still no response.

"What's wrong with him?" I start sobbing into my pink hello kitty sweater. I don't understand. People are here to help us. Why aren't they doing anything to help him?

"I'm sorry." Is all Officer Reynolds tells me before the ambulance arrives and takes my dad away in a long black bag I've only seen in the movies.

But that can't be right. In the movies, it means someone has died.

Daddy isn't dead. He can't be.

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