Chapter 36: Love Is Mystical

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Even when you know what’s coming, it’s still hard to accept fate.

“I don’t have enough to cover rent.” I sigh after giving Daniel, my landlord, the runaround.

When he first came over to my apartment to pick up this month's payment, I started asking him basic and friendly mundane questions to take up time. I’m not sure why, it was only delaying the inevitable.

The only good thing I have going for me is that my family is currently staying at a hotel. They don’t have to know about my predicament.

After we talked last night, Angela and Ethan had mixed emotions and reactions.Ethan was fine and dandy with forgiving Ann and is even planning to go talk with her today. Angela on the other hand says she can’t forgive her knowing what she knew without confessing. I also had to tell the both of them how I found out Ann’s uncle caused the death of my dad since she didn’t confess to me first. Needless to say, both were ready to go find Stephen and “kick his ass”.

“You know today was the absolute last day to pay. I can’t give you an extension. I have a really long waiting list filled with other students wanting an apartment in this building. The proximity to the university makes it high demand.” He brings up, which pulls me away from my thoughts.

“I know.” I agree in defeat.

“I’ll give you until the end of the week to get your stuff together. If in that time you happen to come up with the money, we can discuss letting you stay. Okay?” Daniel sort of compromises and gives me a look that screams “I feel bad for you and all, but I won’t hesitate to kick you the fuck out”.

I might be imagining it, but that’s how it feels. The middle aged landlord who reminds me of Bruce Willis has always been nice, but at the end of the day, he’s going to do what benefits him the most.

For example, having a tenant who pays their bill. I can’t blame him.

“She may have the payment in a couple of minutes if she chooses wisely.” I hear a deep and irritating voice say nearby.

I turn to where I heard the sound come from, and see Alex’s dad Charles casually walking toward Daniel and I.

It seems like evil lurks everywhere. I don’t know what he wants, but I already know it’s nothing good.

“Is this your father?” Daniel questions with a befuddled look.

“No. I can see why you would think that since he’s old, but no. He’s not.” I say with a pointed glare aimed directly at Charles.

He’s most likely only in his late fifties, but I don’t care. After all the bad things he’s said and done, I think he can handle it. Karma and what not.

I expect a reaction, but he just stays stone faced like those celebrities who seem emotionless when they get too much botox injected.

“Well, I’m just going to leave and let you talk privately. Um, remember, let me know if you somehow come up with the money.” Daniel subtly eyes Charles and his shiny Rolex before facing me again.

An awful thought enters my mind and it almost makes me vomit. What if he thinks I’m going to sleep with him to get the money? It’s probably a weird image that a wealthy man just happened to show up at a time I need cash.

“Don’t hold your breath.” I mutter after he awkwardly waves goodbye and walks away.

“Can we talk in your apartment?” Charles asks bored.

“Nope, never. What do you want? Just cut to the chase, I have an essay to work on. Also, how do you know where I live?” I even close the door behind me that was slightly left cracked open for good measure.

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