Chapter 22: Somebody told me

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I like to think that I'm a pretty understanding and patient human being. But there's always that one customer who seems like they came just to annoy the hell out of you.

"So, I'm like, very confused." The petite girl who looks to be about my age tilts her head and scrunches her nose. Her dark auburn hair that's up in a bun also tilts in a funny angle and I try not to laugh. "This is not a temporary Starbucks?"

"No, they are currently closed and are renovating from what I heard. Though we are a coffee shop. Only difference is the name." I try to joke as I point to the sign behind me, yet all I recieve in response is a blank stare.

Wow, tough crowd.

"Where is the nearest Starbucks then? No offense, but I don't trust y'all to get my order right. I'm very picky about how my coffee is made." She adds with a sense of superiority about her and taps her deep blue manicured nails on the wooden counter. It kind of reminds me of how Alex acted when he first came here, but I like to think he wasn't that bad.

I fight the urge to tell her to stop being so concieted since she can't seem to recognize the difference between Starbucks and another coffee establishment. I also want to scream that I am not a human GPS system, but I reel it in. She seems the type to complain about someone who would dare question her and I don't need to add unecessary work drama in my life.

"I can assure you that we will attempt our best." I would be the one making it, but I have actually started getting better after practicing with Ann.

"Hmm. It should be illegal for y'all to try and pass as a Starbucks. Pretty sure that's like, copyright infringement or something."

That's it. I can not deal with this customer anymore. I should have made Stephen practice with the register instead but he's on his fifteen minute break.

"We have never tried to pass off as a Starbucks. I believe you got confused and ended up here. I don't know, but the point is, are you going to order something or not?" I started it calmly but towards the end it started to sound like a ramble.

"Did you just call me dumb? This coming from a fucking minimum wage cashier." She scoffs then turns and marches out the front door with her heeled leather boots clacking against the white tiled floor.

"I'm more of a barista really." I mumble under my breath. If you're going to insult me, do it right damn it.

I'm glad there's no customers inside, or else I would have had some unwanted attention. Everyone who has came in had gotten their order to go. Not to mention the fact that it's noon now, so I'm sure people are opting to go to lunch instead.

Now that I'm free from annoying customer lady, I guess I can just chill for awhile.

I reach for my bag to retrieve my phone charger to charge my dying phone and to play Piano Tiles when I hear several murmering voices enter.

All well, beating my highest score will have to wait.

The first thing that catches my eye is the vibrant and flowing light purple hair. It should have been Alex, but Skylar's amazing hair demands attention.

Alex, Skylar, and Jax look in different directions until I wave my hand for them to see I'm behind the counter. After they spot me, I quickly make my way to them.

"Did you miss me?" Alex gives me a contagious smile then pulls me in for a hug and I melt.

"I just saw you this morning, crazy." I laugh. Though, I always miss him when he's not around.

"Let us say hi to Amelia first! We haven't seen her in forever!" Skylar hits his shoulder and he surrenders me, only for her to attack me in a bear hug. "I'm so happy you and Alex are finally together!"

Kiss with a fist (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें