Chapter 6: In four words

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"Jenny!" I hear Alex shout across the large room which startles me enough to drop my pencil. Immediately after, the elderly grey haired libarian puts her finger to her lips and motions for him to be quiet.

There's really no reason for her to do that since the two floored spacious library is basically empty except for us and a small group of students in a table across the room.

"Sorry." Alex mouths as he makes his way towards me.

I give him a quick glance and observe that he brought his backpack, which looks as heavy as a boulder, and two large sized cups of coffee from Starbucks. Sorry, venti as he would say. Wow, he really is addicted to caffine. He's lucky food and drinks are allowed in the first floor where we are.

"Where have you been?" I've been waiting fifteen minutes for him and thought he had forgotten.

"Getting our cappuccinos of course. Did you bring snacks?" Alex hands me a cup and sets his stuff down on the round wooden table.

"Oh, I thought both of those were for you. I told you I don't like coffee." I rest the cup he just handed me on his side of the desk.

"Stop saying that. Everytime you do, I die a little inside." For extra effect, Alex puts his palm over his heart and pretends to be in pain.

I roll my eyes. "That was a little over the top."

"I'm going to convert you into a coffee drinker, just you wait." He winks at me and takes a long sip from his cup. "So, I'm guessing you failed to provide the snacks I requested. Hmm, I gotta be honest Jen, I'm disappointed. How will we have enough fuel to complete the homework without food?"

I'm about to come up with some sarcastic remark, like he could munch on the library books, but remember something.

"Well, I might have some jelly beans." I rummage through my tote until I find the clear ziplock bag filled with red jelly beans. "Here they are!" I'm surprised I still have them since I munch on them often.

I settle them down between us and when I look up, I see Alex giving me a baffled expression.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask suddenly feeling self conscious.

"No, but uh... jelly beans and coffee? That's a weird combination. Also, are those all red?" He picks up and inspects my candy.

"Hey, don't judge my choice of snacks. Plus, everyone knows the red ones are the best." I shrug while I retrieve my ziplock, then pick some up and pop them into my mouth.

"If you say so babe."

"Don't call me babe."

"Okay, sugar."

Le sigh. He's relentless so I just move on.

"Anyway, let's look at our first assignment." I open up my binder and remove the syllabus.

On the back it has the list of prompts for us to complete each week.

Just as I begin to read it, Alex yanks it from my hands.

"Hey, I was reading that. Where's your copy?"

"I lost it." He responds with no worry.

"I'm stuck with a partner who can't even keep track of his papers. Unbelievable." I sigh and shake my head.

"Let's see...." He ignores my comment and continues. "It says to write the saddest story you can think of using four words. Easy." Alex then retrieves a red spiral notebook from his backpack along with a pen and starts writing on a clean page.

"Um, care to elaborate partner?" I question, surprised that he has already thought of something.

"I already thought of two. Which do you think is better?" He turns his notebook towards me while twirling his pen on his free hand.

Option 1: The wifi is out

Option 2: You have an STD

This is what he came up with. I burst out laughing but try to stop when I remember where we are. I definitely don't want another dirty glance from the librarian.

"Wow. That's uh, very creative." I recover.

"Mr. Hall said to have fun with it, so that's what I'm doing. After all, both of these would be a sad story. By the way, I do not have an STD in case you are wondering, I always use protection."

"That was alot of information that did not need to be uh, announced." I gape at him.

"Just wanted you to know in case you're interested." He then has the nerve to wink at me and examines my body with his piercing emerald eyes.

I feel my heart beating loudly against my rib cage, and my body is starting to feel warm. Is it hot in here? I need to focus. He probably says stupid shit like this to girls all the time and here I am getting flustered.

"I'm just kidding Jenny, you look like you're about to have a heart attack." The bastard smirks.

"No, I'm not!" I snap. Wow, such a great comeback. "Anyway, we should get back on topic."

"I'm already done, I'm going with the Wi-Fi one. It's much more tragic than a STD. Wi-Fi equals life. What's yours going to be?"

I ponder for a bit, then know what my response is.

"I like it!" Alex peers down at my composition book and sees my answer.

Netflix is not available


"The four words we picked sure make a sad and compelling story. Life would really suck without them. I can already see the A plus we are going to recieve." He boasts.

"Or F." I mumble.

"Nah, Mr. Hall will love it."

That might actually be true. Mr. Hall isn't an average professor. So far he seems to be the nicest and laid back I've had.

"Are you feeling better now?" Alex interrupts my thoughts.

"About what?"

"Earlier it seemed like you wanted to murder someone."

"I'm fine." I stumble with these two simple words. I pretend to be engaged on organizing my binder so I don't have to look at him.

"You can talk to me you know. After all, what are best friends for?" He gives me a genuine smile that makes my heart melt. I mean, not literally melt, because that would not be good for my health.

"You know, best friends would call each other by their correct names." I tease trying to lighten the mood.

"But, Jenny is your correct name." Alex acts confused.

"I am never going to win this battle, am I?"

"Nope." He then grabs some of my jelly beans and eats them.

My response is to flip him off.

"You're so feisty, I love it."

"Shut up." I quickly glance at my phone and notice it's almost time for my sociology class.

"I gotta go, see you around." I start gathering my things that are spread through out the table.

"Before you go, I need your phone number. You know, cause we're partners and all." He adds.

I shouldn't give it to him. He doesn't really need it. After all, we see each other in class every tuesday and thursday.

"Hand me your cell."

I never said I make good choices.

He passes me his iphone and I type it in.

"Don't make me regret this." I say as I pass him his phone.

"No one ever regrets me." He chuckles.

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