Chapter 43: Dancing's not a crime

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I've never really been a fan of margaritas due to their strong and bitter taste, but I think that's starting to change.

"Slow down Amelia." Ann stops me from grabbing what would be my second strawberry margarita of the night. She's currently using her body to block the tray of premade drinks from my view.

"But it tastes amazing." I counter and try to reach around her while making sure the royal blue halter dress I'm wearing doesn't ride up and flash strangers. We've been sitting on barstools at the main bar area waiting on the rest of the group to show up. Needless to say, we have already helped ourselves to an alcoholic drink. Or in Ann's case, two.

"You're the one who told me to keep you from over drinking! If it were up to me, we would be doing shots."

I take a look at all the shiny liquor and colorful liquids calling my name behind the bar and sigh. I don't want to end up like the already inebriated students dancing to Drake's newest song blasting over the speakers. Nothing is wrong with dancing, but they are already so impaired that it looks more like they are seizing.

"Yes, I did say that." I concede and decide one drink is enough for now. "Can I have a water?" I ask the bartender the party throwers hired. And by party throwers, I mean the frat boys and sorority girls.

"Water? Here." He rudely passes me a room temperature water bottle as if it were a foreign object he has never seen before in his life.

Given where I'm at, it wouldn't be surprising if I'm the only one with a non alcoholic drink within a mile radius.

"Thanks." I mutter already bored with my water without having even tasted it. I slowly untwist the cap and drink the warm flavorless fluid.

I haven't been to alot of parties, but this is seems to be a modest one. It's simple, but you can tell that the guests are enjoying themselves. The event is being held in the open space between the frat and sorority's respective housing. The pop up bar is in the middle like an island, and all around are the dancing students with some drinking games like beer pong happening in the outskirts. The only decorations I see are the LED lights wrapped around the scattered trees. There's also a Dj, but he's playing from the frat house patio on the second floor. They probably spent all the money on liquor than anything else.

"Who do you think Kiki is? But most importantly, why is he asking her if she's riding?" Ann asks me while attempting to take a sip of her amber hued drink.

She's so busy moving her head to the beat, that she keeps missing aiming the straw to her mouth and almost pokes her nose with it.

"Are you talking about the song?"

"Yes! I'm very confused. I- y'all finally made it!" She basically squeals and slaps her hand on the table hard enough to scare the bartender.

I quickly turn around and see everyone we were waiting for finally arrive.

"We took awhile cause parking was a nightmare. Of course the whole time Jax was complaining about how long it was taking to park as if it were my fault." Alex sends a glare to his brother before walking to my side and putting his arms around me.

"I wasn't complaining. I was just commenting on the fact that I aged like twenty years since you were taking so long." Jax responds with a sly smile. "Sorry to break it to you bro, but you have to face it, you just can't parallel park. It's okay, it's not a skill everyone has. Maybe one day I'll teach you and you'll be as awesome as me."

"Remind me little brother, wasn't it you who got into their first car accident because they thought they were pressing the gas, but somehow ended up going in reverse?"

Kiss with a fist (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon