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Madeline had quickly settled into the Tower, being accepted by the Avengers as one of their own rather quickly. Yet, she still had to meet Nick and he still had to hear of her.

She padded along the common room floor, top hat atop of her head as she twirled her red locks around her finger. Tony had left about an hour ago, stating he had to speak with a man called 'Fury', just before Steve called out to him telling him to 'don't forget'.
Now Hatter didn't know if it was just an inside joke or if Steve was just reminding Stark to not forget food shopping or something after this meeting with this man. However, what she did know was that it strangely put her on edge, and the feeling just wasn't settling.

"...hey Madeline, what's up?" Clint called, strolling into the common room at a leisure pace.

"The sky is up, I don't know what you mean" she replied back with a nervous giggle, skittering slightly to which the archer raised his brow at before deciding not to question it.

Grabbing himself a bottle of whiskey, he plopped himself onto the couch and stretched for the remote just as the elevator 'dinged' and Madeline pulled her top hat further onto her head to conceal her face. Before she could even realise what was happening, three Agent came running into the room and flocked her instantly. They cuffed her hands and tranquillised her, sending her sleepy.

"Nat!" Clint called, not caring if these Agent were S.H.I.E.L.D or not, he would fight to keep their new friends safe.

The fiery red head came barrelling into the common room, analysing the situation in a heart beat before the two pounced for the three Agents. Madeline slumped to the ground, chin against her chest as she leaned against the back of the couch. Nat and Clint fought with all they had, knocking out the Agents and leaving them there in a dog pile as they rushed for Madeline.

"Madeline? Madeline! okay?" The assassins concerned words began to fuzz and their figures began to blur before all she saw was darkness as sleep consumed her.

~Hours later~

Hatter darted awake from her slumber, eyes wide and hair wild as her top hat went tumbling of her head, rolled of the couch and onto the floor.

"I didn't steal the cake!" She screeched, noticing the gazes of six worried faces, she rubbed her head sheepishly before placing her hat back on her head.

Only then did she find that her hands were cuffed, she lifted her arms up and looked at the cuffs in shock. Her eyes wide and mouth open before she shrieked.

"That is Mahogany!"

Rattling her arms about, she flailed and wailed like a child.

"Get them of me you swines. I will call my lawyer!"

"Cap?" Stark called and the blonde just nodded before moving over to the hatter and shattering the chain that linked the two cuffs together.

Madeline looked down at the cuffs like they had just shot her cat, eyes furrowed and glistening like she was about to cry and that was exactly what the team feared.

"Thanks Cap!" She cheered, changing the mood completely as the chains rattled at the cuffs wrapped around her wrists.

"We would have took them off completely, but tweedle dee and tweedle dum over there lost the key when taking out them Agents" Tony huffed and the assassins glared at said billionaire.

"Sorry Madeline" Clint huffed.

"It's fine, what did those wackos want anyway?"

"Stark had to tell our director of you and the director took matters into his own hands and sent in Agents to sedate you. They were going to take you in for tests and experiments." Natasha informed and the hatter nodded in response, almost in a daze.

"Is everything okay Lady Madeline?" Thor questioned, eyeing her closely.

"Just Peachy" she replied with a bittersweet smile before the daze in her eyes left and she was back to her grinning self once more.

"Fury isn't gonna quit until he has her either tested in a lab or in the fish bowl" Steve huffed, arms crossed over his chest.

"So? What do we do?" Banner replied, taking his glasses of and pinching the bridge of his nose before returning his spectacles back to their original place.

"Protect her, someone has to be with her at all times of the day until Fury changes his ideas and decides to just simply interrogate her" Stark replied, the Team dissolving into conversation as Hatter fell asleep once more, her head resting atop of Rogers' lap like a pillow.

They were willing to fight for her. Already.

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