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Tara Westlyn - Point Of View

I woke up in a different surrounding instead of my bedroom. I must've felt tired halfway through the party and went up here to sleep. I yawned and turned around only to come face to face with a guy and that guy is naked. I looked down at my body to see that I was also naked. My eyes widened, all the events from last night started to flash back.

Dancing with Brooke and drinking vodka. Dancing with Brooke and drinking vodka again. A guy pulling me away from Brooke, me dancing with that guy, him kissing me, and the last thing I remembered was him and I went upstairs into a room.

I screamed and kicked the guy off the bed. No. No, this can't be. No! I heard him groan as I wrapped the sheets tightly around me and grabbed my clothes before dashing to the bathroom. I slipped everything on and jumped out of the window. Thank God it was big enough for me to fit.


"Brooke, answer your damn phone" I muttered to myself as I rang Brooke for the umpteenth time.

"Hello?" she groggily answered

"Brooke! Where in the world are you!?"

"Good Morning to you too, honey pie. Yeah, my day has been great thanks for asking" she said sarcastically

I burst out laughing, "Morning. Now tell me, where are you?!"

"Back home. Now please tone down your voice, I have killer headache. It feels like an elephant is standing on top of my head with a gorilla on top of the elephant while it's carrying a hippopotamus."

I shook my head chuckling, "Only you, babe. Only you. Anyways, I just checked to see if you're okay, you know still breathing and living"

"Whatever. And to answer your question, yes I'm still breathing and living if you haven't noticed"

"Still sarcastic, yeah"

"Ugh, you're so annoying"

And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you piss off your best friend. I laughed and shook my head, I ended the call before she can yell at me. Oh wait, she can't because she has a killer headache. Cue evil laugh. MWAHAHAHA! I'm just the kindest, most amazing best friend on earth


I'm telling the truth when I say that I didn't do anything stupid this past few weeks and it is also not because of what I did to Clint. I'm not telling a lie. Yes, definitely telling the truth.

Oh who am I kidding? Of course I have. Those weeks, I'd say were.... pretty eventful? I experienced new things that I never thought I would do. The bad thing is that none of it is nowhere near the word good at all. If my dead great grandparents would see what I've been doing, they would've pulled me to heaven with them.

What is it, you ask? Well I kinda, um maybe use drugs. BUT it's just when I keep on feeling so guilty on what I did to Clint, when I overthink too much. When I feel depressed I smoke pot and party every night just to forget him, but nothing worked. I still miss him. I froze.

My eyes widened, "Of course, how could I be so stupid?" I ask myself

I like Clint Oren Sage. That's why I've been acting like this.


It's been 2 months since I started using drugs. My parents found out what I've been doing and they think I'm going nuts. They tried to convince me to go to a rehab center but I declined, telling them I'm not crazy. But they were persistent. One night, I woke up to someone carrying me to a black van. I managed to get away from them, later that day I found out my dad told the guards to do that and bring me to the rehab center. I got so angry that I packed my things and left our house. I also dropped out of school so now I live in an apartment far away from my old house.

I felt the world spinning around me, I feel like I'm flying. I screamed and shouted as I swayed along the beat of the music. Everyone was doing the same thing, some people dancing, some were jumping and some were just drinking. This is the life. Feeling no pain even for just a while means so much.

As I was jumping up and down and dancing with some people I saw someone somewhat familiar. He turned his head towards my direction and our eyes met before he disappeared inside the kitchen


I stopped dancing and ran towards the kitchen. I looked around but saw nobody. I shook my head and walked to the bathroom. Shutting the door close, I walked over to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I sighed and splashed my face with cold water.

"You're just hallucinating, Tara." I muttered to myself

"It's just the marijuana, T. Just the marijuana"

I shook my head slapping my face for a couple of times before going back outside.

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