Interview with Writer's Struggle

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By: Kathie Rivera (kathiel12)

November 20, 2016

So as usual I am always cruising here on Wattpad and I found a great group called the Writers Struggle

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So as usual I am always cruising here on Wattpad and I found a great group called the Writers Struggle. Their awards are open and they're looking for fresh new material from unknown writers, but who are these amazing writers and what do they do? My curiosity is just so insatiable that I had to ask.

What is WritersStruggle all about?

#WritersStruggle is a campaign that cater's to writers that have come out with fantastic stories that don't get the acknowledgment they deserve.

Who are it's members?

Our admins include Martxsofia, JustAnotherMeeee, CookieCrumbs88, and I Krl1804.

What's the purpose of the community?

The purpose of this campaign is to promoteundiscovered stories and share new writers that deserve more attention.

What activities does the community do?

The campaign as of right now is running winter awards,promotions, confessions, contests, guidance, interviews, shops and quotes forstruggling writers.

When was this community formed?

The community was formed on Wednesday, May 18, 2016.

How many affiliates do you have?

We have twelve affiliates all of which you should check out!

Do you provide any services like editing or promoting books?

Yes, we do! We have a promotions book now open as wellas guidance books and a rants + tips book.

What message would you like to give to our readers who may be struggling writers?  Aren't we all?

Just because your book isn't viral or featured, it doesn't mean it doesn't matter. The smallest voice in the classroom is sometimes the most powerful. So keep writing, never lose hope. The greatest people we know all started from the bottom up.Yes, we all are struggling writers in the end, but that's okay. In fact, it's perfect for now. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

Thank you krl1804 for your words of encouragement, your wonderful campaign and for helping the struggling writers to find their readers in the world of Wattpad.

So if you're interested in knowing more about this campaign you can check it out here: WritersStruggle.

Hope you enjoyed this article and thank you so much for reading our Monthly Watt Magazine. Take care readers and write on!

The Monthly Watt - December 2016 IssueWhere stories live. Discover now