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Hai everyone. I am writing again after a long time. This is my second work. Her Hidden Love being my first. I want to thank everyone who supported me, once again. On a whole this book is dedicated to my Dodo but I want to dedicate a few chapters to my loving readers.

 So here goes the first chapter for Maahive ! 

/* Just like everyday she stood by the window watching him silently. She had no idea whether to consider herself lucky or the other way round. 'Of course I am lucky I get to see him everyday' she thought. That was true now she saw him much closer than before. The next thought reminded her whatever state she is in now,was definitely not good luck. She couldn't be heard or seen anymore.  She could not express her love anymore. She didn't have a life. She was just a soul now.

As she was remembering all that happened in her life since Dhruv had enterd into it, Anshu noticed that it was time for him to wake up. Otherwise he would be late for his classes. He was looking so cute tucked in the bed but she didn't have a choice, she dropped a spoon on the floor. He woke up and went to freshen up. Yeah you may wonder how she could touch the spoon, Anshu can touch things but only if she wants to. She had a choice whether to touch things or not. She could be visible and audible too but only if she voluntarily touches the other person's right hand. She had some powers. How? You will know soon. Dhruv didn't even take 15 minutes to get ready. Boys will be boys! Anshu thought and smiled to herself. However Dhruv was different. Every moment of the day he was spectacular. She never understood how he managed to look classy and funky at the same time. */

/* He started his bike. She sat behind him. Anshu always loved that. She would go to his college daily with him but sometimes when there were boring classes she strolled outside or went for a movie but that was rare cases. She loved to spend every minute of her time with him. They reached the college in ten minutes. As usual he went into his classroom and waited for the professor. He was very silent now. He only replied if anyone initiated a talk with him. Earlier he was not like this. He was very friendly with everyone in the college. Dhruv had a big gang of friends with whom he used to hang out very often. Now he is more of an introvert. Anshu didn't know the exact reason why he changed but she thought it was beacause of the continuous fights his parents had. Wait! They used used to fight earlier too she pondered, but now may be it was more often and harsh she guessed. */

/* Anshu couldn't see him like that but she couldn't do anything about it either. She had more privileges because of her powers but other than that she was just like any other normal girl. She had seen Dhruv's life taking big turns. He was very sharp and an extrovert when he had arrived in the city. In just a few days he became popular in college and was loved by all. Then his life took a tragic turn. Dhruv was shattered but he coped up. He still talked to everyone like before and kept his life under contol. But one year back when anshu died things changed with him forever. His smile was always fake now. Why? She questioned herself. He had already recovered from a loved one's death then why not hers? Does he like me? Any feelings for me? No way, a voice in her head said clearly. How could she even think like this? After all the argument they had on that day, September 16th, the day she died. Don't even call it an argument. He didn't even listen to her. His anger had taken over him and didn't let him think. */

/* No! She stopped her thoughts right there. She didn't even want to think about it. Dhruv was listening to the class intently. Anshu was never made for studies. Take the name of a lecture and she would not even listen to the topic. Now a days she used to bear a few lectures as she could stay with Dhruv but not today. She saw the time. It was lunch break in a few minutes. She couldn't even go to Diya till evening so she went to inox and searched for an empty seat. Luckily she found one. It was a good movie. Later she went to Diya's house. Diya was doing some work in the kitchen. Anshu waited for her to finish her works and come into the bedroom. When Diya came into her room, Anshu held her hand and started with her talks. */

Anshu- Duffer how much time do you need for your works? Don't you know I was waiting? I have so much to tell you. You are the only one I can talk to.

Diya- Yeah right! In fact you need to pay me for putting up with your nonsense everyday.

Anshu- Oh yes come here, shall I pay you with a kick?

Diya- I will give you back two.

Anshu- Huh? See you don't even take pity on my condition. I am upset (throws her hands in the air).

Diya- Hey drama queen stop overacting okay. Your condition is because of your madness. I wanted to help you but you didn't listen to me. I still want to help you but you won't listen. What is my fault?

Anshu- Your fault? Let me tell you. Had you been a handsome boy I would fall for you instead of Dhruv and all this wouldn't have happened. See it's YOUR fault.

Diya- As if. There were a lot of handsome boys in our college. Did you even notice them? Do you ever see anything other than him?

Anshu- Why should I? Dhruv is awesome. He is the best. You know today he was looking so good. Actually he always looks good right?

Diya- Oh please. Don't get started again. I hate him.

Anshu- Hate?

Diya- He's the reason you are in this state Anshu. Why don't you understand that?

Anshu- No Diya. He isn't. It was totally my fault.

Diya- Whatever!

Anshu- Already he is so sad these days. Why talk bad of him on top of that?

Diya- Wow! You still think about him and care so much? How on earth can you do that?

Anshu- What do you mean by how? I love him. Nothing can change that Diya.

Diya- Not even Death?

/* Anshu couldn't talk anymore. She was lost in thoughts again. The moment she saw her dead body and her blood in front of her car, came to her memory. It always shook her up. Diya understood that she shouldn't have said that. She felt guilty. */

Diya- Anshu I am sorry.

Anshu- No need Diya it's okay. I know you care for me and that's why you can't see me like this.

Diya- Yeah I love you Dumbo.

Anshu- Say that loud na. Your mother will think you've gone mad if she sees you talking to air.

Diya- Haha.

/* Anshu joked with Diya but it still didn't erase the bad memories. She went back to Dhruv's room. Now she stayed here itself. It was more comfortable to see him than go to her house. She never went back to that house. As always his parents were arguing. He was trying to sleep in his room. He looked sad. Anshu longed to see his bright smile again. She started reminscing the old days. */

God I am so nervous.. I don't know whether you people will like my new story or not. Please tell me your views. Do VOTE... prasannayadav :)

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