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/* Anshu tries to talk to him. */

Anshu- Dhruv what happened? Why are you like this?

Dhruv- Stop it Anshu. Stop caring so much for me, loving me.

Anshu(in a shock)- What? Why?

Dhruv- It... it burdens me. You always keep loving me so much and I never do anything for you.

Anshu- You don't need to.

Dhruv- but I want to. I love you Anshu. I want to do things for you but all you want is marriage which I can't.

Anshu(takes a sharp breath)- I know you can't. leave it. (He noticed the sadness in her eyes. They both stay silent)

Anshu(gets up from the bench)- Let's go Dhruv. It's already very late.

Dhruv- The only thing you want from me is marriage?

(She looks away)

Dhruv- Will you come back to life if I marry you? (She looks at him, this time with surprise)

Dhruv- I am not able to see you like this Anshu. I can do anything to get you back to life. even if it means sacrificing all my dreams.

Anshu- I don't want you to sacrifice your dreams.

Dhruv- and I don't want you to live like this. (She doesn't say anything.) I will marry you please come back to life.

Anshu- You're too drunk Dhruv.

Dhruv- No I will really marry you. Please meet that wizardess friend of yours and come back to life. Please.

Anshu- This is a big decision. You have to be sure about this. I don't want you to regret later.

Dhruv- I am very sure.

Anshu- Ok let's go home.

Dhruv- You agree to this?

Anshu- We'll see when you're sane.

Dhruv- No let's do this now only. I agree to marry you and you agree to come back to life. OKAY?

Anshu- Okay (she smiles. His sweet effort made her smile after so many days)

Dhruv- Okay let's go.

/* They walk home since there weren't any vehicles available at that time. Anshu felt content. Dhruv finally agreed to marry her. She also decides that she will fulfill his dreams. She makes him sleep and keeps looking at his face. Was her love finally going to get fulfilled? Hell Yes!! Dhruv had agreed to marry her. She was excited and went to Diya's house and shouted at the top of her voice. Diya woke up with a startle. */

Diya- Anshu have you gone mad?

Anshu- Yes and in fact it will be wrong if I don't go mad at this point.

Diya- Oh okay. Sleep here. Good night.

Anshu- Stupid wait! Listen na

Diya- What?

Anshu- Dhruv agreed to marry me. (She sang and danced to it.)

Diya- Haha you came here after you had a dream. May be ghosts get dreams too. Go and drink water.

Anshu- Diya I am not a ghost. I am a soul. You're my friend at least you should understand this!

Diya- Ok fine but still the point is that it was a dream. Let me sleep.

Anshu- No he really did.


Anshu- Yeah.

Diya- I can't believe this.

Anshu- Well you have to (She starts jumping on the bed.)

Diya- Did you cast any spell on him?

Anshu- No. If I wanted to do that I would have done it long ago.

Diya- Yeah that's true. So he really agreed. Good.

Anshu- Just good? It's wow!!

Diya- Ha (she smiles looking at Anshu's euphoria) Finally he proved he got some brain.

Anshu- Stop it yaar. He is my hubby now.

Diya- Husband already?

Anshu- Officially now but I considered him husband right from the first time he kissed me.

Diya- I am happy for you. (She too got onto the bed. They started dancing and celebrating the moment.)

/* The next morning Dhruv woke up with a headache. Since he drank for the first time, the hangover was going hard on him. He went to brush and washed his face. He suddenly realized Anshu was nowhere in the room. Dhruv started searching all the rooms, just then Anshu comes in. */

Dhruv- Where did you go?

Anshu- To Diya. I couldn't handle that much happiness alone.

Dhruv- You're that happy?

Anshu- Ha. Thank you. Thank you so much. (She hugs him)

Dhruv- It's nice to see you like this. (He kisses her forehead)

Anshu(smiles)- What happened you don't seem well?

Dhruv- Uhm nothing.

Anshu- I think you're hungry. Wait I'll make breakfast, mom went out.

Dhruv- Wait. For a change, I'll make breakfast today.

Anshu- but you have a headache.

Dhruv- I am fine dear. Stop worrying about me so much. Noodles?

Anshu- I can never say no to that.

Dhruv- Hahaha. I won't go to college today. Let's spend time together and evening we'll go to Mireza.

Anshu- I'll go to Mireza. She doesn't like to meet new people.

Dhruv- Ok but I want to see you back to life as fast as possible.

Anshu- Okay deal.

/* He freshens up and makes breakfast. They watch tv while eating and after that they go to hang out. Anshu was feeling a new energy, she could not explain the joy she was experiencing. Dhruv pampered her all the time. */

Dhruv- It's evening already. Won't you go to the forest?

Anshu- I am so tired.

Dhruv- but you promised.

Anshu- I'll go tomorrow morning please.

Dhruv- Okay but don't delay it more.

Anshu- Sure. Let's go get ice cream for now.

/* They go buy ice cream and drive home. They spend a lazy evening talking and cooking dinner together. They talk so many things. */

Anshu- So now since you have decided. How are we going to get married?

Dhruv- Let's take it slow Anshu. After you come back to life, I'll make you meet my parents officially. Then we can say them about our love.

Anshu- Will they like me?

Dhruv- Yes don't worry. Then they will plan the marriage ceremonies. We'll leave it to them.

Anshu- Sounds great.

/* He smiles blankly. Anshu notices that something is wrong with him but doesn't ask. */

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