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/* When Dhruv and Anshu come out of the house, they find Diya waiting for them. */

Anshu- It's a far place so I asked her for the car.

Diya- It was very hard convincing dad so take care of the car. (She comes near Dhruv and whispers in his ear) Talk to her about coming back to life.

/* Dhruv nods. Anshu takes the car keys and they start off. Diya went home but was worried for Anshu. She knew that Anshu was getting more hopes on Dhruv now and it was dangerous. Dhruv was still quiet all along the ride. Anshu tried to get him involved in small talk. */

Anshu- Can you guess where we are headed?

Dhruv- The route is so beautiful. Are we going to the waterfall?

Anshu- How do you know everything? You spoiled my surprise.

Dhruv(smiles)- Nice idea. It's a good place. I always wanted to go there.

Anshu- Really? Thank God.

/* After an hour they reach the waterfall. They sit down on a rock. She asks Dhruv to play music in his mobile. Everything was perfect. She slept on his lap. He caressed her face and kept looking into her eyes. The moment seemed too beautiful to be true. They couldn't take off eyes from each other. */

Dhruv- Don't you get angry with me anytime?

Anshu- Anger? No. Why would I be angry with you?

Dhruv- You do so many things for me. I never did anything for you.

Anshu- You don't need to do anything. If you stay with me it's enough.

Dhruv- How can you love me so much?

Anshu- I don't know. I can't stop loving you.

/* He looked into her eyes with guilty. She observed it and to lighten his mood she got up and kissed him lightly. He smiled at this unexpected kiss from her. He kept looking at her face. Anshu's face used to be very bright but now worry seemed to occupy it more. He knew that she was trying to put up a happy front but was actually sad. This time he had to choose between his dreams and Anshu. He hugged her tight and kept on thinking. After some time Anshu breaks the silence. */

Anshu- Stop thinking so much. Everything is fine. What is there to worry?

Dhruv- Hmm.. shall we go back?

Anshu- Why so soon?

Dhruv- It's lunchtime already.

Anshu- Ha that's why we have to eat lunch.

Dhruv- Where?

Anshu- Here. I brought food.

Dhruv- You? How?

Anshu- I tried cooking. I used to cook a little before but I never went beyond tea and magi. This is the first time I made lunch. So be my experiment specimen for today (she winks)

Dhruv- Experiment specimen? You're making bad things sound good.

Anshu- I don't think it's that bad. Wait I'll bring it.

/* Anshu ran to the car and brought the food. She opened all the boxes and served it in his plate. */

Dhruv- Wow. Paneer curry, flavored rice and veg cutlet? All are my favorites. You did work hard baby.

Anshu- Thank you J. Taste it and tell me.

Dhruv- It's nice. For a first time cook. It's really good.

(Anshu smiles widely. She takes out her plate but he stops her.)

Dhruv- No. I am eating all the food.

Anshu- What?

Dhruv- Hahaha don't be afraid. I want to feed you. Your hard work has to pay off right?

/* She beams with joy. He feeds her the food. After finishing lunch they play in the water for some time and go back home. When they reach home Dhruv asks her to take rest and goes out. She knew that he needed some time so she left him alone. The next day too Dhruv seemed to be lost in deep thoughts. Anshu decides to spend the day with diya. Dhruv leaves for college and Anshu takes the car to Diya's house and they both go out. */

Diya- Anshu.

Anshu- Ha

Diya- Tell me about the unfulfilled wishes.

Anshu- You didn't forget?

Diya- No.

Anshu- It's nothing important.

Diya- Come to the point Anshu.

Anshu- Okay fine.

Diya- Good girl. Now tell me.

Anshu- I always wanted to give Dhruv everything I have. I wanted to do everything I could.

Diya(rolled her eyes)- So you want to give him your everything, right?

Anshu- Yeah.

Diya- Everything means?

Anshu- My love, house, other properties...

Diya- and?

Anshu- and myself.

Diya- What? You really?

Anshu- Who else do I have to call mine?

Diya- but are you ready to go that far?

Anshu- Stop it Diya. Please, I am already feeling very awkward.

Diya- Okay fine! I am not dealing with you and I am not trying to treat your madness.

/* They are silent for a little time. After some time Diya's anger cools down as usual. She was already used to all this. Diya knew that nothing could change Anshu's love for Dhruv. Although she felt that it should change, it was just the way it was. Like the sun rises in the east and Himalayas lie in the north and many other constant things may be god wanted her to love him like this, constantly forever. They move around the full city and Anshu goes back to Dhruv's room in the evening. She waits for him but he seemed to be late that day. Soon it becomes night but Dhruv didn't return. Anshu was worried now. She waited for one more hour but there was no sign of Dhruv. Dhruv's mom called his friends but they too didn't know anything. Anshu couldn't stay calm anymore. She started searching in the places he frequented but couldn't find him. After going around here and there she found him on the highway. She was shocked to see him in that state. He was completely drunk, sitting on the road and was talking to himself. She ran to him and made him sit on a nearby bench. He didn't even recognize her for a few minutes. Anshu understood that he drank for the first time and it was going hard on him but one thing she couldn't decipher was why did he drink in the first place. */

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