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/* Dhruv starts reading the letter...

Dhruv no need to search for me and worry. Sit down first. I don't know how to tell you this. I am leaving Dhruv. This place and you forever. I understood that you don't like this marriage. Still, you agreed for me. It shows how much you love me. That's enough for me Dhruv, I don't want anything more. I heard you talking to Diya that day when she came to thank you. Even if I hadn't been there that day still I would know. I can read your feelings from your eyes. I loved you a lot Dhruv. Especially after my death, I could stay with you more time. I got to understand you more. I had a lot of fun with you. You changed my life completely. I felt alive only in the moments that I spent with you. Please don't feel sad. I am doing this for you and your happiness, your goals. I did whatever I could do for you. Take the documents from the drawer. I have made all the arrangements for making this bungalow an orphanage. Your dreams will come true Dhruv. Don't worry about money. Everything is done, just be happy. That's the only thing I want. My dreams can never come true, now at least yours will. I won't let your dreams shatter. I always wanted to do everything I could do for you. Now I have completed that. I can at least live with that satisfaction. I will be fine. Don't worry for me. I have memories of you.. of us... You can't stay with me, you have your priorities. I will have your memories as my companion. You gave me so many beautiful memories. I cannot forget even a single moment that I spent with you. Only those moments count in my life. Your smile, your kiss, your arms and the peace I find with you are the best things in my life. In fact, you are the best that has ever happened to me. This paper is just not enough. I need to tell you hundreds of things and show you my love but I need a lifetime for that. It's not in my fate. If at any time in your life you get a partner, tell her I wanted to take care of you but I couldn't so she has to do it for me. Share your joy and pain, always stand with you in your problems, trusting you blindly and many more things. I wanted to be a part of your life, always by your side but I couldn't. I loved you a lot Dhruv. Take care for me.

Tears rolled down his cheeks. He just couldn't decipher anything. He never ever thought Anshu would leave him. The words 'I loved you' struck him hard. Why did she say loved? Is it a matter of past now? Or did she stop loving him? He didn't know what to do. It felt like losing the most precious possession in your life. He could see some marks on the paper, her tears. She must have cried too. He tried to imagine the amount of pain she had to go through to take this decision. It was unbearable. And all this for whom? For him? For the guy who just liked her and couldn't love her? He never even gave her the importance she deserved. For the first time, he got to know the pain of being abandoned by love. He wondered how she used to deal with this every time he ignored her. But he would just leave her for a few hours. He would always come back. She had left him forever. No he couldn't let that happen. He decides to find her. He puts on the shirt she left ironed and goes everywhere searching for her. When he goes to diya she was already crying. She ran to him. */

Diya- What happened? What did you do? Where did she go?

Dhruv- I don't know. I came here to ask you.

Diya- Listen I don't have the energy to fight with you anymore and that stupid has asked me not to fight with you. We..

Dhruv(Cuts her in middle)- What? Did she say? When did you talk to her last?

Diya- I got this bloody note today morning. I want my friend not this.

Dhruv- Please don't cry. We'll find her.

Diya- She came back to life yesterday right? We were so happy. Then why did she do this?

Dhruv- I don't know.

Diya- Yesterday evening she called me. She said everything was fine and that she was going to meet you. We decided to meet today morning and I wake up to this.

Dhruv- Yes she was really happy yesterday. We even got close and.. we...

Diya- I know I can guess it. She told me she wanted to give you everything she had, her property, house and herself too. See this.

/* She shows him a sentence in her note.

I did it Diya. I did everything. Now even if I die I won't be a soul anymore. I don't want to be like that. I don't have the energy to come for my love again hoping that someday he would love me just like I did. This time I will rest in peace.

Dhruv is shocked when he reads that. Does this mean she is about to die? Suicide? She made love to him just because she didn't want to be a soul again? Everything he saw seemed like she didn't love him anymore. It was shattering. He cried more. Diya felt pity for him now. She could see the pain he was going through. */

Diya- Dhruv please calm down.

Dhruv(stutters)- I.. I can't. Is.. she going to.. to die?

Diya- No no I m sure she won't. She is strong and by her words, it seems to me that she just left this place.

Dhruv- but that note? Why is she talking about death?

/* Innocence reflected from his eyes filled with tears. Now Diya understood what Anshu meant. He was like a baby, fragile and emotional. She takes him inside her house and gives water. He calms down after a while. They keep talking and decide on tracing Anshu. Her mobile was switched off. They went to the forest but couldn't find anything. This continued for days.

Now Dhruv started staying in Anshu's house. He became attached to all the things she used. Her mug, sofa, her pillows, they had her scent. She had not used them for long but she might have used it on the night she was with him. Then it brings him the memories of how she kissed him. He cursed himself for letting her go. He observed how she had left everything here. Maybe it was a far place so she couldn't carry or maybe she just wanted to leave everything, her memories, her love and HIM. Every time he thought of this he felt as if something was piercing right through him. Days passed and now he started talking to her things. Begging everything he saw, to bring her back. Every effort he kept on searching for her went in vain. Now diya too was tired and stopped. Yes, she felt bad but life didn't stop for her. For Dhruv it sure did. It felt like everything came to a standstill. Or the changing days and ticking hours didn't matter to him anymore. The first time he lost Anshu he had gone into depression but this time he was going crazy.

Some officials had contacted him regarding the change of the house into an orphanage but he refused them. He didn't want any dreams without her. Also, he couldn't let this house go and the memories go. One month of her absence had taught him that nothing mattered more than her. Last time maybe since she was there with him as a soul he had survived. Now it was getting hard to survive each day. He felt suffocated. Diya came to meet him a few times. He keeps asking her about Anshu and every time the response is same. No one knew anything.

One evening he was sitting in the lawn. The place where she had proposed him and later he did too. Anshu's eyes were always shiny and searching for love. He spent the evening lost in her thoughts. As it was getting dark he felt a presence around him. It was a bit scary. He tried to find out who it was but he couldn't. First, he wondered whether it was Anshu but she would never try to scare him. He was sure it was not her. He tried calling his parents but couldn't reach them so he dialed Diya's number. She lifted the call. */

Dhruv- Hello Diya. Where are you?

Diya- I can't hear you properly. I am home. Why?

Dhruv- Somebody is here. I am trying to figure out but I can't. can you get help?

Diya- Ok wait. I'll call a constable I know. I am coming.

/* She reaches Anshu's house along with the constable. The place was calm, everything seemed normal except one thing. Dhruv was missing. Diya was tensed now. How could he go missing? When Anshu left, she had done so by herself but Dhruv actually went missing. She couldn't understand why would anyone kidnap him. The constable called the station for more help but they couldn't find a single clue about what happened. */

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