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Clary sat near the bank of the lake in Central Park. There we regular and coloured pencils scattered around her as she drew the beauty of the lake. She was remembering how less than a year ago: Izzy, Simon, Jace and her went to see the Seelie Queen from that lake. That night was the night that Simon had gone and become a vampire; it was the night she had kissed Jace knowing they were siblings.

“By the angel Clary, you scared everyone. We woke up this morning and there was no you.” Jace stood behind her for a moment before moving and siting carefully on the grass beside her. He looked concerned and the bags under his eyes likely meant he spent another sleepless night.

“I just needed to get out for once. I just wandered until I found myself here; remembering everything that happened in the Seelie Court.” She looked over at Jace and took in his beauty that left her slightly awe struck each time. His golden hair and matching golden eyes were perfection and she always looked for the chip in his tooth that showed her he was still human.

“Remembering when I kissed you; I am quite an amazing kisser.” Jace bumped Clary is the shoulder lightly and was grinning.

“You are an amazing kisser.” He leaned over her notebook and kissed him softly on the lips before turning back towards the water.

“Why did you choose a spot really close to the lake?” Clary noticed a new urgency in Jace’s eyes and she didn’t know why. From what she could tell there were no demons anywhere near then and the sensor in her pocket confirmed it. She thought Jace may be worried about the fair folk but they only tended to come out at night when you could pass into the Seelie Court.

    “It was a near empty place and it had the best angle for drawing. Why did you ask? Is something wrong?” Clary looked around still wondering what Jace was so concerned about.

“There…are…ducks…everywhere…” Jace scanned the lake carefully, his eyes flickering with fear at the sight of each duck.

“Wait, you are so concerned because there are ducks? They are just ducks Jace.” Clary went back to drawing her scene but kept an eye on Jace out of the corner of her eye. He was continually scanning the area looking for the ducks. She didn’t know why they were getting to him the way they were, but it was starting to concern her.

“Jace, do you want to move to another part of the park?” She started packing up her pencils and her sketch book.

“I would love─” Jace never said another word as a duck got close enough that Clary could have bent down and touched the duck. Before Clary could turn to comfort Jace, he was taking off in the other direction. Clary ran after him and after a nice ten minute run to the other end of the park, she caught up.

“Jace!” She yelled to him wanting him to stop so that she wouldn’t have to run anymore.

“Oh,” he ran back to where Clary was standing, “I am sorry for running off like that.”

“Are you going to tell me why you did?” Clary wasn’t upset, just a bit curious.

“I don’t like ducks, at all.”

Clary couldn’t hold down the laughter that bubbled up. “The boy who never cried again is afraid of a duck.” She tried to hold her laughter in because Jace really did seem afraid, but she just couldn’t.

“They are vicious I tell you, vicious!”

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