Mourning Love

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Will sat in the Institute’s Library, watching the sun disappear behind the oncoming storm clouds. James was a silent brother, Tessa was still heart broken, and all Will could do was sit in the library. He didn’t pick up any books or do anything, he just sat there.

“William?” said a small voice from the door of the library. He looked up to see a familiar face looked back at him from across the room. It was Tessa; she hadn’t left her room until now.

“I’m over here Tess.” He looked back at her as she started her way over to him but when she got close; he turned back to the window. It was hard for him to look at her because he loved her so much but knew that she also loved Jem; Jem who wouldn’t get to marry her or have a family with her. Will would get the chance to give her the life Jem should have had the chance to.

Tessa sat on the chair beside Will’s and looked at her hands. “I know that he just passed and that we should be mourning, but I can’t stop thinking about how he would want us to continue to live happily. He didn’t die Will; he just became a Silent Brother. We won’t be able to see him but he will still be alive.”     

“It still hurts,” he turned to Tessa and brought his shirt down a little to show the faded parabatai rune. Although Jem wasn’t dead, becoming a Shadowhunter had severed their connection and parabatai.

“I know Will, but we need to live our lives.” Tessa got up slowly and made her way over to the shelves, presumably looking for something. She was gone for about five minutes before she returned with a copy of A Tale of Two Cities. “You haven’t been doing anything but sitting her, so at least read the book.” She set it on the table beside him before turning to leave the room.

“Wait Tess, please don’t go.” He sat in the chair and picked up the book, ignoring the rain pounding against the window. “I shouldn’t be sitting here doing nothing. I need to continue saving lives and making others happy. I want to make you happy.” He buried his face in his hands and started to cry softly. There was a mix of emotions inside his head, he didn’t know if he wanted to stay sulking or to continue living. Continuing meant forgetting and Will never wanted to forget.

“You already make me happy Will.” She made her way back to him and took his head between her hands, lifting it softly. She brought he face up to look at hers and smiled softly before kissing him. “No matter what happens, we will never forget.”

“I love you Tess and I will never stop loving you.” He brought her hands down from his face and kissed each one softly before rising from the chair and pulling her into his arms so he could properly kiss her.

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