The End

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  • Dedicated to Zoe Katzman

            Magnus walked up to the gates of the cemetery in Central Park. Simon was already waiting. Every year they came to the cemetery where Jace, Izzy, Alec, and Clary were buried. Simon would provide Magnus with a new comic to place on Clary’s grave and he would wait outside until the warlock returned. It was a promise they made to one another when they realized they were the only two left.

            “You’re looking well Simon.” Magnus walked up to him and smiled a little but it was a sad smile.

            “I look the same every year Magnus and you look as outrageous as ever.” Simon smiled a little as well and stood up.

            “I am trying to keep up with the fashion trends of everywhere at once.” Magnus laughed a little and gave a little twirl. Since their visit a year ago, Magnus had been traveling the world and seeing the sights he and Alec never made it to.

            “Is traveling working well?” Simon meant in the sense that it was helping his loss hurt less.

            “It does in some ways Simon and in some ways it makes things harder.”

            “At least you have been trying. I still sit around the apartment that Kyle and I used to share doing nothing.” He looked down, remembering the good times.

            “Well we all mourn in different ways.” Magnus gave Simon an awkward hug before stepping back and turning serious.

            “Here’s the comic for Clary; I think it is something she would really love.” He set a comic in Magnus’ hands before sitting back on the bench outside the cemetery.

            “I’ll make sure it is on her grave and I will tell her how much you care for her each and every day.” Magnus left Simon as he began to cry; he felt terrible that Simon wasn’t able to enter the cemetery… it was a holy Shadowhunter place, not a place for vampires.

            Magnus made his way to the tree under which Jace, Clary, Alec, and Izzy were buried side by side. They all died around the same time because of old age. Clary was the first to go which broke Jace’s heart then Jace followed leaving Alec feeling empty most of the time. Shortly following Jace, Alec passed away and Izzy passed away the day after. They were all happy with their lives when they passed and Jace and Clary’s children carried on the legacy of the four of them.

            Magnus first stopped at Jace’s grave and smiled at the quote on his grave stone. It read “Never trust a duck.” Magnus told Jace how his fear of ducks came about and thus he eventually chose to have that quote follow him into death. Magnus didn’t say anything because he never knew what to say to Jace. They knew each other but not enough to give words of condolence in a way that felt appropriate. The last time Magnus spoke words about Jace it was at his funeral when Magnus thanked him for being there for Alec all of the years he wasn’t.

            Magnus then stopped at Clary’s grace and set the comic in front of her head stone. “Simon still loves you Clary; you were his best friend and it’s not something he’ll ever get over.” Magnus stood before her grave for a few minutes thinking about how he saw here grow up. He saw her from the time she was a baby to the day she died. In Magnus’ life he rarely saw people that way; he left before they could pass away or after they started their life. He would never forget Clary because she became one of the people he knew the best. After he was able to draw himself away he moved on to Izzy.

            He chuckle at the purple tinted stone that served as her grave stone. She was always insistent that fashion was important even after death. He didn’t have much to say to her except thinking about all she had done. She was the reason that he and Alec had gotten back together, she was also the reason they had gotten married. Izzy made sure that everything was perfect for them and it had paid off. He also thought about all the times she had seen Simon and her together. They had been lovers but never as close as anyone else. They each needed to be their own person and though they were never married, they were together.

            Magnus then moved on to the most painful of all the graves. He sat before Alec’s grave and started to cry. He never let himself cry except for when he visited Alec’s grave. It was too painful for him. It was painful when others in his life passed on but Alec’s death was the worst. Magnus felt that a part of him was missing each and every day he woke up. Alec was always with him until he wasn’t and Magnus loved him still. He cried his eyes out then sat there just watching the clouds drift by. He thought about the lives they lived together and how he only ever wanted Alec. Eventually the sky began to fade into sunset and Magnus made his way back to the gates where Simon was waiting.

            “It’s still just you and me Simon.”

            “It’ll always be you and me Magnus.”  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2014 ⏰

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