Chapter 10

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This is a rewrite I lost the first draft!
I think it might be better :)
A present....
Happy new year!
Despite the fact that I had been challenged I walked to my pack members first. Actually, Arseniy released me and gently pushed me in their direction. The moment I arrived Richard pulled me into a tight embrace. "This is what I feared would happen. New lines do happen but they are not spoken of because they only happen every century at most and... well, in recent history, they are without fail...challenged."
"It's alright Richard." I gently hummed at the fear I smelled from him. He was afraid for my life and I understood but I also knew I was well trained. My wolf kept sending me pictures from our combat training sessions reminding me just how good we were, she allowed me no fear or doubts.

"Attention everybody!" A heavily accented voice boomed through the clearing. I looked at Arseniy's brother as he continued.
"We, my brother Alpha of Midnight Pack and myself of Shadow Pack, have acknowledged the new line. The Alpha of First Moon has also stated acceptance as has the Alpha of Artemis. The Alpha of Wild Hunts has not indicated his wishes. But the Alphas of The Bloodmoon Pack and the Snow Pack have stated discontent with the new line. The Alpha of the Snow pack has challenged the new line of Ariel Gemma Wilson."
"I offer myself as her Proxy!" A clear voice interrupted whatever else Arseniy's brother was going to say as a man dressed in low rise jeans and a tight grey t shirt stepped from the crowd of mostly men. There were wolves in the growing mass of spectators and I'd seen only four women in my quick scan.

The white haired man laughed and stepped forward as he tossed his jacket to the side. "Son, you challenged me years ago and lost. You have no right to challenge."
"I merely offer myself as her proxy father, I issued no challenge."
"Well she didn't either. I challenged her and I will fight her. Only her. I will not allow a new Alpha line of a little girl. Understood?" His power rolled over the clearing, this display clearly aimed at his son.

We all looked at the men that were so obviously related. Both were lean and tall. The man that had offered himself as proxy had white blond like the older man and the same eerie pale blue eyes. His skin however was dark, like he spend a lot of time outside, whereas the older man was pale skinned. The son barely showed submission as he coldly stated. "Yes Alpha." Before turning to me. He walked like he had no care in the world, turning his back on the man that was his father and Alpha.

"I am Axle Warren Snow. Son of the Alpha that has challenged you. I was part of your test on arrival and accept your status as Alpha." He boldly declared for all to hear. It was a clear F U to his dad and we all understood the chance he'd taken making such a statement. If I lost he would definitely be punished severely, if not killed. My wolf decided to honor his decision and spoke for us in reply. "We understand what it means to you to make such a decisive statement opposing your sire and Alpha. We thank you for your offer and your kind words.... but please understand, as Alpha we do not condone such blatant disrespect."
It was a clear message too and he smiled.
"I am sure that as Alpha you would condone no disrespect... nor do I think you would condone abuse of pack membe_" He was cut off by a loud growl from his father. "Enough! We fight! I'll deal with you later boy!"

"As her current mentor and Alpha I wish to speak with my pupil." Richard demanded. Around us people stepped away and Callen finally let Andrew go. He grabbed me tightly and I saw the fear in his eyes.
"I'll cut right to the chase Ariel." Richard said. "I am going to release you from the pack..."
Before Matt could say anything Richard silenced him with a look and a firm. "It needs to be done. Releasing you will unleash your power and you will need every bit of it. He is fast and cunning, I've seen him fight."
The look of disgust when he spoke of having seen the other Alpha fight made it clear that he fought without honour. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the sole reason new Alpha lines didn't make it past the Elders.

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