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Almost a year ago I wrote everything after the word 'So..' and it still is relevant
If you got far
I assume you like it
Can you vote please?
It's my motivation to keep writing and posting...

I've been flat out with life, the universe, getting ready for school and everything
So... Some motivation would be nice
Thank you :)

Now I'll just put the rest of the next chapter (chapter 16) up for you, you that took the time to read my tiny message ;) I appreciate you..
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"I'm impressed, that is the most accurate rendition I've heard for a very long time."
"Thank you. We used to beg grappa to tell us stories. This was one of my all time favorites."
"Grappa?" Demanded Sera.
"It apparently means wine in Italian, he liked wine and we used it as a short for Grandpa, it started when Jarred, one of my brothers, couldn't pronounce 'grandfather' fast enough and decided to shorten it, it stuck and we all picked it up. Mom wouldn't let us call him by actual first name but when we got older he let us do so anyway, when she wasn't around."
"And why was that your favorite story?" Nico asked me gently.
"It was exciting. The lead was a girl. You know..." I replied hesitantly.

He glanced at his brother and the others and the older man delicately cleared his throat.
"I understand that today has been long. We understand. But we also need to know more about you. Snow pack isn't by any means small, they have a large territory and the borders aren't entirely... friendly. We predict that they might become even less friendly with a new Alpha that is an unmated female. It is with that in mind that we need to know what makes you tick, so to speak. So we know how best to assist you. Shadow land borders yours in the North but that will be your only ally." We both looked at Niko but I felt disbelieve from Axle. I glanced at him and looked back at Niko who was also looking at Axle.

"Why?" Axle asked staring at Niko
"She is an Alpha we accept. I have no hostility to Snow pack as it stands now."
There was something I was missing but I filed it for later as I waited for Axle to reply.
"My father was an Elder." He said emotionlessly.
"As you would be aware his position was inherited. Something we have since decided will not happen again. Being part of the council of Elders isn't a birthright it is an honour. We are not omnipotent. We make mistakes, we learn from them. The situation with your father was new, we learned from it and now, admittedly much later than it should have been, it has been solved. We have learned."
"Why didn't you fix it some other way? Why wait so long? And for this?"
Again I didn't quite follow what Axle meant but I guessed that this was me killing the man.
"Anything else would have affected the welfare of his pack and other packs... but enough of this. Ariel, please, can you tell me why this story was actually your favorite one?"
I thought about how silly it sounded but seeing the sincere curiosity in Niko's eyes and feeling the extremely tense Axle beside me I decided to just tell them anyway.

"My grandfather was more wolf than man. He joked that he impersonated a decent guy but his heart was in nature, never in a house. When he took us fishing he would hike in wolf form, we never told mum but I think she knew, he actually had saddle bags for his stuff and sometimes he let us ride on his back. He would take us into the forest then taught us something about tracks and then he would shift and we would work out what we could with the occasional nudge from his paw. He taught us to hunt before we even reached puberty, even me. He fought my dad tooth and nail to take us out almost every day when he had the time but it was always a treat and never a chore, especially not for Drew and me. My mother is very human in a lot of ways but her wolf was always close to the surface and she took us for walks in the woods, that would be hunting or chasing her wolf and hiding from the mummy wolf. She never went in her human form for as long as I could remember. She would shift in the house some nights too, just to release her wolf and we could snuggle with her...."

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