choice one.

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"hyung, come on, you have to cheer up!" taehyung exclaimed, nudging yoongi's shoulder. the latter's eyes were glued to the lake in front of them, hands on his lap, mouth pressed into a thin line. the pair was sitting on a bench fit for the two of them, one sulking and one trying to keep the other from sulking.

"shut the fuck up, taehyung." yoongi's voice was blank. that was the only word left to describe it-- monotone and completely devoid of emotion as if somebody'd died.

but that wasn't the case.

somebody didn't die. or drown. or burn in a fire. the real reason was quite common, actually-- yoongi messed up. yesterday, his boyfriend (well, ex boyfriend) had broke up with him due to quite a big mistake from yoongi's side. yoongi couldn't blame him-- seriously, accidentally cheating on your boyfriend with his best friend isn't exactly something forgivable.

yoongi was stupid enough to believe that he'd forgive him, but he was obviously wrong. now, his ex wouldn't even talk to him. earlier today, he tried doing so at the cafe (where yoongi worked at, so it was easy enough that his ex often went there) but his ex merely ignored his existence, before walking out of the cafe in near tears.

it made yoongi's heart break. so, so much. he regrets it. he regrets it all-- except for his relationship with him, of course. he just wishes he could turn back time and redo all of his mistakes.

if only that were possible.

"it's not the end of th--"

yoongi turned to him with a glare and taehyung felt a chill run down his spine. "it's not the end of the world? is that it? sure, taehyung. it's not the end of the world, but it's the end of mine. he was my everything. and now he's gone and everything just feels so..." yoongi took a breath, leaning against the bench, "...empty."

taehyung gave him a look of genuine pity, patting him on the back, trying to comfort his best friend. he really did feel bad for the guy. yoongi was crying all night, and it wasn't until four in the morning did he actually fall asleep. taehyung wishes he could do something, but at this point, yoongi's ex was unforgiving.

taehyung's never been in a relationship, so he wouldn't know what it feels to quarrel with a lover, but from the aura that yoongi's letting out, it wasn't hard to tell what it felt like.

even taehyung started to feel sad.

as he sighed, his eyes trailed downwards, landing on a peculiar sight at yoongi's feet. taehyung tapped yoongi on the shoulder, pointing at the object. "hyung, look," he said, and yoongi did. the latter picked it up, examining it under his curios gaze.

"a yellow rose." yoongi mumbled.

taehyung hummed. "it usually means friendship. or, like, you know... if you give a person a yellow rose, it means you only want to have friendship with'em."

yoongi's mood only grew more sour as he frowned at the rose. "that's totally making me feel better, you piece of shit."

the younger laughed, patting yoongi on the back. "but hey, not much people know this, but it also means second chances! like, give it to someone after a quarrel to symbolize how you want a second chance."

yoongi laughed mockingly. "isnt that just fanfuckingtastic."

taehyung chuckled. "why not give it to him?"

"i wish i could," yoongi mumbled, his grip on the rose tightening. "actually, you know what i wish for? i wish i can go back and fix this. fix my mistakes. fix my relationship with him." he was glaring at the flower now, and taehyung just gripped his shoulder, a look of worry on his face.

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